Glen Hvenegaard, PhD
Pronouns: he, him, his
Personal Website:
Professor, Augustana - Sciences
- Phone
- (780) 679-1574
- Address
3-08 Founders' Hall
4901 46 AveCamrose ABT4V 2R3
Area of Study / Keywords
parks tourism wildlife sustainability environmental education biogeography bird conservation citizen science environmental interpretation
I have worked at the Augustana Campus since 1994. My previous degrees are from the University of Alberta (BSc Forestry, MSc Wildland Recreation) and the University of Victoria (PhD Geography). At my university and for professional organizations, I have served on the following:
•Manager, Augustana Miquelon Lake Research Station (2015-2019)
•Chair, Camrose Wildlife and Stewardship Society (2009-)
•World Commission on Protected Areas, IUCN (1994-)
•Tourism and Protected Areas Specialty Group, WCPA (1996-)
•Science Committee, Beaver Hills Biosphere (2008-)
•Associate Editor, Human Dimensions of Wildlife (2019-)
•Associate Editor, Journal of Ecotourism (2019-)
•Associate Editor, Journal of Interpretation Research (2024-)
•Board of Directors, Beaverhill Bird Observatory (2020-)
My research program focuses on the conservation aspects of ecotourism, birds, park interpretation, and rural sustainability. First, I try to understand the actual and potential roles of ecotourism in promoting conservation (eg. wildilfe festivals, conservation volunteers, bird watchers, whale watchers, park users, and dark sky tourists). Second, I examine bird conservation issues through the lenses of migration, dispersal, nesting requirements, habitat preferences, human-provided support for species such as Purple Martins and Least Flycatchers. Third, I explore the outcomes of environmental interpretetation for park visitors.
Please see my CV above (and short list below) for publications
I teach a variety of courses in environmental studies and geography, including:
•AUENV 120: Human Activities and the Natural Environment
•AUENV 230: Geomorphology; including lab
•AUENV 231: Climatology; including lab
•AUENV 252: Wildlife Diversity of Alberta
•AUENV 320/420: Parks and Wilderness
•AUENV 334: Field Studies in Environmental Science and Ecology
•AUENV 327: Environmental Education and Heritage Interpretation
•AUENV 421: Environmental Science: History and Impacts
AUENV 230 - Geomorphology
Analysis of (1) geomorphological processes and agents (such as movement of the earth's crust, volcanism, water, glaciers, waves, currents, wind, and gravity) that create and modify the earth's surface and (2) landforms. Note: Credit may be obtained for only one of AUGEO 230 (2021) and AUENV 230. Requires payment of additional student instructional support fees. Refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations section of the Calendar.
AUENV 421 - Environmental Science: History and Impacts
Overview of the historical developments, past and current impacts, and changing roles of the field of environmental science. Prerequisites: One of AUBIO 350, AUENV 320, 324, 350, 420, AUGEO 320 (2021), 324 (2021), 420 (2021) and at least fourth-year standing. Note: Credit may be obtained for only one of AUENV 421 and AUGEO 421 (2021).
Scholarly Activities
Research - Dark Sky Tourism: visitor outcomes and rural sustainability
Started: 2022-10-15
We are investigating the potential for dark sky tourism to achieve positive visitor outcomes and rural sustainability goals using the Jasper Dark Sky Festival and the Beaver Hills as case studies.
Research - Environmental History of Frank Farley, an early naturalist and ornithologist in Alberta
Frank Farley (1870-1949), a prominent early settler in East Central Alberta was.a keen amateur ornithologist and participated actively in conversations with professional ornithologists such as federal scientist Percy Taverner and Professor William Rowan, the first chair of the Zoology Department at the University of Alberta. In addition to supporting a successful business career and commitments to the community of Camrose, Farley made significant contributions to ornithology, wildlife protection, environmental education, scientific articles, mentoring. Additionally, Farley served as the first warden at the Miquelon Lake Bird Sanctuary. Farley successfully bridged the domains of amateur and professional ornithology, contributed as a public intellectual to key environmental issues, and exemplified both ends of the mentoring relationship.
Research - Purple Martin movement dynamics
Working with colleagues across North America, we are learning about migration patterns of Purple Martins to and from Brazil, their major wintering areas. Working with colleagues in Alberta, we are documenting natal and breeding dispersal. Working with landlords in Camrose, we are investigating nest box selection by martins and the effects of landlord stewardship activities.
Research - Sustainable tourism in protected areas
Protected areas are a key component of any global conservation strategy. Tourism provides a crucial and unique way of fostering visitors’ connection with protected area values, making it a potentially positive force for conservation. Protected area tourism’s economic benefits—which depend on beautiful natural areas, healthy wildlife and nature, and authentic cultures—can also be a powerful argument for conservation. Tourism in protected areas is a major part of the global tourism industry—an industry whose scale and impacts are enormous. Such a high volume of visitors implies certain needs for fundamental infrastructure and requirements for employment and human services, all of which have ramifications for the economy, society, culture and the environment.
Tourism and visitor management in protected areasResearch - Visitor outcomes of personal interpretation in Alberta's provincial parks
2017 to 2023
Interpretation is an important tool used by Alberta Parks to fulfill its mandate to "inspire people to discover, value, protect, and enjoy the natural world." The aim of this research project is to determine the short and long-term outcomes of interpretive programs, the factors influencing those outcomes, and the consistency of outcomes with staff perceptions of provincial goals, management plans, policies, and strategies.
Outcomes of Interpretation in Alberta's Provincial ParksFeatured Publications
Glen T. Hvenegaard, Clark S. Banack
Journal of Ecotourism. 2024 February; 10.1080/14724049.2024.2320698
Julie Ostrem, Glen Hvenegaard
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. 2023 August; 10.1080/09640568.2023.2240954
Glen Hvenegaard
2023 February; 10.4324/9781003230748-8
Clara-Jane Blye, Glen Hvenegaard, Elizabeth Halpenny
Journal of Outdoor Recreation, Education, and Leadership. 2023 January; 10.18666/jorel-2022-11654
Glen Hvenegaard, Kiva Olson, Elizabeth Halpenny
Parks Stewardship Forum. 2023 January; 10.5070/p539159893
The City is an Ecosystem: Sustainable Education, Policy, and Practice. 2022 January; 10.4324/9781003217442-6
Wildlife Society Bulletin. 2022 January; 10.1002/wsb.1247
Facets. 2022 January; 10.1139/FACETS-2021-0149
Journal of Park and Recreation Administration. 2022 January; 10.18666/JPRA-2021-10605
Western Birds. 2021 January;
Wetlands. 2021 January; 10.1007/s13157-021-01494-7
Factors affecting the sustainability of ecotourism among tourism service providers in São Paulo, Brazil
South Asian Journal of Socio-Political Studies. 2021 January;
Facets. 2021 January; 10.1139/FACETS-2020-0085
Parks and Protected Areas: Mobilizing Knowledge for Effective Decision-Making
MDPI. 2021 January;
Wildlife Society Bulletin. 2021 January; 10.1002/wsb.1161
View additional publications
Research Students
Currently accepting undergraduate students for research project supervision.
If you wish to be involved in undergraduate research opportunities, please review my current projects and contact me about your interests.