Matthew Guzdial
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Science - Computing Science
CMPUT 256 - Game Artificial Intelligence
The purpose of this course is for students to gain a breadth of understanding of the AI approaches employed in digital games. This involves learning basic topics covered in other AI courses as they apply to digital games and more specialized game AI topics. Assignments will involve programming Game AI algorithms across a variety of areas including pathfinding, decision making, and data science. Prerequisite: CMPUT 174 or 274.
CMPUT 399 - Topics in Computing Science
This topics course is designed for a one on one individual study course between a student and an instructor. Prerequisites are determined by the instructor in the course outline. See Note (3) above.
CMPUT 499 - Topics in Computing Science
This topics course is designed for a one on one individual study course between a student and an instructor. Prerequisites are determined by the instructor in the course outline. See Note (3) above.
CMPUT 605 - Topics in Computing Science
MST 399 - Special Topics in Media Studies
Prerequisite: MST 100 or consent of the Program Administrator.
WGS 470 - Sexualities: Special Topics
This course offers advanced examination of selected issues in sexuality studies. Prerequisite: Any 100 or 200 level WGS course, or consent of department.