Gerald Haeubl
Ronald K. Banister Chair in Business & Professor of Marketing
Professor, Alberta School of Business - Marketing, Business Economics and Law
Professor, Alberta School of Business - Marketing, Business Economics and Law
- Phone
- (780) 492-6886
- Address
3-30K Business Building
11203 Saskatchewan Drive NWEdmonton ABT6G 2R6
Gerald Häubl - Research Interests
- Psychology of Consumer Decision Making
- Dynamics of Preference and Choice
- Hedonic Experience
- Construction of Preference and Value
- Search Behavior
- Choice Architecture
- Decision Assistance for Consumers
- Motivation
- Self-Control
- Consumer-Firm Interaction
- Personalized Customer Interfaces
- Bidding Behavior in Auctions
Gerald Häubl - Selected Publications
- Preference for Quicker Offers: The Critical Roles of Temporal Reference Points and Evaluation Mode (with Chao Lei, Pengcheng Zhang, Lance Gregory, Haijiang Wang, and Guoxuan Wang) [in press, Journal of Behavioral Decision Making]
- Machine Talk: How Verbal Embodiment in Conversational AI Shapes Consumer-Brand Relationships (with Anouk Bergner and Christian Hildebrand) [2023, Journal of Consumer Research, 50, 4, 742-764]
- One-of-a-Kind Products: Leveraging Strict Uniqueness in Mass Customization (with Franziska Krause, Jonas Görgen, Emanuel de Bellis, Nikolaus Franke, Pia Burghartz, and Ilse-Maria Klanner) [2023, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 40, 4, 823-840]
- Miscalibration in Predicting One’s Performance: Disentangling Misplacement and Misestimation (with Isabelle Engeler) [2021, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 120, 4, 940-955]
- Preference Dynamics in Sequential Consumer Choice with Defaults (with Bas Donkers, Benedict Dellaert, and Rory Waisman) [2020, Journal of Marketing Research, 57, 6, 1096-1112]
- Consumer Decisions with Artificially Intelligent Voice Assistants (with Benedict Dellaert, Suzanne Shu, Theo Arentze, Tom Baker, Kristin Diehl, Bas Donkers, Nathanael Fast, Heidi Johnson, Uma Karmarkar, Harmen Oppewal, Bernd Schmitt, Juliana Schroeder, Stephen Spiller, and Mary Steffel) [2020, Marketing Letters, 31, 4, 335-347]
- Mixing It Up: Unsystematic Product Arrangements Promote the Choice of Unfamiliar Products (with Maik Walter, Christian Hildebrand, and Andreas Herrmann) [2020, Journal of Marketing Research, 57, 3, 509-526]
- Inaction Traps in Consumer Response to Product Malfunctions (with Neil Brigden) [2020, Journal of Marketing Research, 57, 2, 298-314]
- Product Set Granularity and Consumer Response to Recommendations (with Dimitrios Tsekouras, Benedict Dellaert, and Bas Donkers) [2020, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 48, 2, 186-202]
- Bidding Frenzy: Speed of Competitor Reaction and Willingness to Pay in Auctions (with Peter Popkowski Leszczyc) [2019, Journal of Consumer Research, 45, 6, 1294-1314]
- Enacting Rituals to Improve Self-Control (with Allen Tian, Juliana Schroeder, Jane Risen, Michael Norton, and Francesca Gino) [2018, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 114, 6, 851-876]
- Social Product Customization Systems: Peer Input, Conformity, and Consumers' Evaluation of Customized Products (with Tobias Schlager, Christian Hildebrand, Andreas Herrmann, and Nikolaus Franke) [2018, Journal of Management Information Systems, 35, 1, 319-349]
- Gamified Information Presentation and Consumer Adoption of Product Innovations (with Jessica Müller-Stewens, Tobias Schlager, and Andreas Herrmann) [2017, Journal of Marketing, 81, 2, 8-24]
- Repayment Concentration and Consumer Motivation to Get Out of Debt (with Keri Kettle, Remi Trudel, and Simon Blanchard) [2016, Journal of Consumer Research, 43, 3, 460-477]
- The Preference-Signaling Effect of Search (with Xin Ge and Neil Brigden) [2015, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 25, 2, 245-256]
- Product Customization via Starting Solutions (with Christian Hildebrand and Andreas Herrmann) [2014, Journal of Marketing Research, 51, 6, 707-725]
- When Social Media Can Be Bad For You: Community Feedback Stifles Consumer Creativity and Reduces Satisfaction with Self-Designed Products (with Christian Hildebrand, Andreas Herrmann, and Jan Landwehr) [2013, Information Systems Research, 24, 1, 14-29]
- What to Say When: Influencing Consumer Choice by Delaying the Presentation of Favorable Information (with Xin Ge and Terry Elrod) [2012, Journal of Consumer Research, 38, 6, 1004-1021]
- Searching in Choice Mode: Consumer Decision Processes in Product Search with Recommendations (with Benedict Dellaert) [2012, Journal of Marketing Research, 49, 2, 277-288]
- Parsimonious Structural Equation Models for Repeated Measures Data, With Application to the Study of Consumer Preferences (with Terry Elrod and Steven Tipps) [2012, Psychometrika, 77, 2, 358-387]
- Beyond Nudges: Tools of a Choice Architecture (with Eric Johnson, Suzanne Shu, Benedict Dellaert, Craig Fox, Daniel Goldstein, Gerald Häubl, Richard Larrick, John Payne, Ellen Peters, David Schkade, Brian Wansink, and Elke Weber) [2012, Marketing Letters, 23, 2, 487-504]
- Freedom of Choice, Ease of Use, and the Formation of Interface Preferences (with Kyle Murray) [2011, MIS Quarterly, 35, 4, 955-976]
- The Signature Effect: Signing Influences Consumption-Related Behavior by Priming Self-Identity (with Keri Kettle) [2011, Journal of Consumer Research, 38, 3, 474-489]
- Self-Regulatory Strength and Consumers’ Relinquishment of Decision Control: When Less Effortful Decisions Are More Resource Depleting (with Murat Usta) [2011, Journal of Marketing Research, 48, 2, 403-412]
- Optimal Reverse-Pricing Mechanisms (with Martin Spann and Robert Zeithammer) [2010, Marketing Science, 29, 6, 1058-1070]
- To Bundle or Not to Bundle: Determinants of the Profitability of Multi-Item Auctions (with Peter Popkowski Leszczyc) [2010, Journal of Marketing, 74, 4, 110-124]
- Tunnel Vision: Local Behavioral Influences on Consumer Decisions in Product Search (with Benedict Dellaert and Bas Donkers) [2010, Marketing Science, 29, 3, 438-455]
- Motivation by Anticipation: Expecting Rapid Feedback Enhances Performance (with Keri Kettle) [2010, Psychological Science, 21, 4, 545-547]
- Explaining Cognitive Lock-In: The Role of Skill-Based Habits of Use in Consumer Choice (with Kyle Murray) [2007, Journal of Consumer Research, 34, 1, 77-88]
- Aspects of Endowment: A Query Theory of Value Construction (with Eric Johnson and Anat Keinan) [2007, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 33, 3, 461-474]
- Double Agents: Assessing the Role of Electronic Product-Recommendation Systems (with Kyle Murray) [2006, Sloan Management Review, 47, 3, 8-12]
- Automatic Construction of Personalized Customer Interfaces (with Bob Price, Russ Greiner, and Alden Flatt) [2006, International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI-06), 250-256]
- Preference Construction and Persistence in Digital Marketplaces: The Role of Electronic Recommendation Agents (with Kyle Murray) [2003, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 13, 1, 75-91]
- Information Availability and Consumer Preference: Can Online Retailers Benefit from Providing Access to Competitor Price Information? (with Valerie Trifts) [2003, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 13, 2, 149-159]
- A Human Capital Perspective of Skill Acquisition and Interface Loyalty (with Kyle Murray) [2003, Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery, 46, 12, 272-278]
- Interactive 3D Presentations and Buyer Behavior (with Pablo Figueroa) [2002, Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI-02), New York, NY: Association for Computing Machinery, 744-745]
- Consumer Decision Making in Online Shopping Environments: The Effects of Interactive Decision Aids (with Valerie Trifts) [2000, Marketing Science, 19, 1, 4-21]
- The Impact of Congruity between Brand Name and Country of Production on Consumers’ Product Quality Judgments (with Terry Elrod) [1999, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 16, 3, 199-215]
- Experimental Methods for Behavioral Science
- Consumer Behavior