Craig Heinke, PhD

Professor, Faculty of Science - Physics

Pronouns: he, him, his


Professor, Faculty of Science - Physics


Area of Study / Keywords

Astronomy astrophysics black holes neutron stars X-ray binaries


BA, Carleton College, MN, USA, 1997

US Peace Corps, Malawi, Central Africa, 1997-1999

PhD, Harvard Univ., MA, USA, 2004

Lindheimer Postdoctoral Fellow, Northwestern Univ., IL, USA, 2004-2007

Research Associate, U. Virginia, VA, USA, 2007-2008

Asst. Professor, U. Alberta, AB, Canada, 2008-2012

Associate Professor, U. Alberta, AB, Canada, 2012-2018

Professor, U. Alberta, AB, Canada, 2018-current


Observational astrophysics, focusing on compact objects (neutron stars, black holes, and white dwarfs), high energy astrophysics (X-rays), and accretion.


I have taught upper-level astrophysics courses (Stellar Astrophysics; Galactic & Extragalactic Astrophysics), graduate astrophysics (High-Energy Astrophysics), and introductory physics and astrophysics (Physics 124; Engineering Physics 131; Astrophysics 122). I often take Physics 499 students for small research projects.


ASTRO 322 - Galactic and Extragalactic Astrophysics

The interstellar medium and interstellar reddening; galactic structure; kinematics and dynamics of stars in galaxies; quasars; introduction of cosmology. Prerequisites: MATH 115, 118, 136, 146 or 156, and one of PHYS 208 or 271. Previous knowledge of astronomy is advantageous.

PHYS 130 - Wave Motion, Optics, and Sound

Geometrical optics, optical instruments, oscillations, waves, sound, interference, diffraction. Prerequisites: Mathematics 30-1, Mathematics 31, Physics 30. Corequisite: MATH 100 or 113 or 114 or 117 or 134 or 144 or equivalent. Restricted to Engineering students. Other students who take this course will receive 3 units.

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Featured Publications

W. C. G. Ho, C. O. Heinke

Nature. 462 (7269):71-73