Helena Fracchia, Ph.D.


Faculty of Arts - History, Classics, & Religion Dept



Pre Roman and Roman Italy, cultural landscapes, field survey, geophtsical applications in archaeology..  Indigenous peoples of ancient Italy, religion, settlement development and urbanisation.

Scholarly Activities

Research - 1990 Second author and co-editor with M. Gualtieri, Roccagloriosa I: L'Abitato, Scavo e Ricognizione (1976-1986), Ecole Francaise de Rome/Centre Jean Berard Naples, vol. 8 in the series Bibliotheque de l'Institut Francais du Naples, 500 pp. (pub¬lished with a grant from the French Government, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

First volume of final site publication of Roccagloriosa

Research - 1993 Second author in M. Gualtieri ed., Fourth Century B.C. Magna Graecia: A Case Study from Western Lucania, chaps. "The Votive Deposit pp. 108-140, "The Regional Land¬scape" pp.2¬27-254, "The Ceramic Indus¬try" pp. 255-281, in Studies in Medi¬terra¬nean Arch¬ae¬ology (Gote¬borg, Sweden), vol. 114, 394 pp.

English synthesis of the site at Roccagloriosa

Research - 2001 M. Gualtieri and H. Fracchia. Roccagloriosa II: Il territorio e la regione dall' terzo secolo a.C. al tardo antico, Ecole Francaise de Rome/Centre Jean Berard Naples, vol. 16 in the series Bibliotheq¬ue de l'Institut Francaise du Naples, 250 pp.

Second volume of the final publication of the Roccagloriosa site in Western Lucania

Research - 2008 H .Fracchia, La villa di Ossia e il territorio di Cortona nell’epoca romana2 (Sracusa) 130 pp. Translation and updated edition of the English version, see 2007

villa at Ossaia and the museum rooms dedicated to the sit

Research - 2014 M. Gualtieri, H. Fracchia, S. Ferrari, (eds)La villa di Ossaia e la Val di Chiana nel contesto di Etruria romana for Quasar, Series on Etruria Romana

Final site publblication for the site at Ossaia (6th c. BC-6th c AD)

Featured Publications

Fracchia and Gualtieri

Proceedings from the Sorbonne Conferences on Western Lucania. 2018 January;


2016 January;

Helena Fracchia

BAR. 2016 January;

Fracchia and Gualtieri

MEFRA. 2015 January;

Fracchia and Gualtieri

Proceedings of the conference on the Gulf of Policastro.

Fracchia and Ferrri

Proceedings of the Academia Etrusca.

Fracchia and Gualtieri

Proceedings of a Conference on disseminating archaeology, Univ. of Genova.