Hannah O'Rourke, RN, PhD

Associate Professor, Faculty of Nursing

Pronouns: she / her


Associate Professor, Faculty of Nursing
(780) 492-7961
3-141 Edmonton Clinic Health Academy
11405 87 Ave NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 1C9




•Postdoctoral fellowship (CIHR), Health Interventions, School of Nursing, Toronto Metropolitan University (2017)

•PhD, Nursing, University of Alberta (2015)

•BScN (honors), University of Alberta (2008)


Dr O’Rourke leads the CONNECTing for Quality of Life (CONNECT-QoL) research program. 

Social connectedness—perceptions of closeness and belonging in relationships with others— is a priority for quality of life in Canada and internationally. Applying methodology for the development of complex interventions, the CONNECT-QoL program focuses on the design and evaluation of`` interventions for use with people living with dementia and their family and friends caregivers to address loneliness and promote social connectedness.  Interventions currently under development include a social support intervention (MT4C-In Care), a personal contact intervention (Connecting Today), and a music-based group activity intervention (Music Connects Us).

The goal of this program of research is to produce effective interventions to promote social connectedness, and which people with dementia and their family, friends and health care providers find acceptable for use in real world settings. Ultimately, this research aims to have a meaningful impact on quality of life, as it is defined and understood by people with dementia. 

CURRENT GRANTS (Nominated Principal Applicant)

Music Connects Us: Experiences of a community-led music program to promote social inclusion of people living with dementia in care homes. Kule Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS) Research Cluster Grant, $75,000 (Apr 1 2024-Sep 30, 2026) O’Rourke HM (NPI), MacDonald M, Symonds-Brown H, Archibald M, Byl J, Hoben M, Hopper T, Chasteen A, Bar R (Co-Is), Nickalls L, Switzer AM, (Collaborators). 

Connecting Today to combat social isolation and loneliness: A pragmatic cluster RCT of a remote visiting program for care home residents living with dementia. CIHR Project Grant Patient-Oriented Research: Early-Career Investigator Priority Announcement, $100,000 (Mar 1 2024 – Feb 28 2026). O’Rourke HM (NPI), Hoben M (co-PI), Peacock S (co-PI), Bethell J, Boscart V, Chamberlain S, Cranley L, Ghosh S, Hopper T, McGilton K, O’Connell M (Co-Is), Chaskavich K, Checkland C, Cornell J, Drimer N,  Duncan D, Eager C, Friesen S, Gregory D, Haugen L, Huhn A, Iartseva R, Jeannotte A, Joy M, Maisey S, Michael J, Peck S, Ripley V, Schick D, Sinden D, Stainbrook V, Wong A  (Collaborators).

The influence of gender at the intersections of cognitive, social, and sensory vulnerability.  CCNA Women, Sex, Gender and Dementia Cross-Cutting Program, $19,235 (July 1, 2023-March 31, 2024). O’Rourke HM (NPI), Phillips N, Campos J, Chasteen A, Guthrie DM, Mick P, Orange JB, Pichora-Fuller MK, Savundranayagam M, Wittich W (Co-Is). 



Courses Taught

In the undergraduate program, I have taught undergraduate research and statistics courses, Foundations of Nursing (I), and undergraduate honors seminars (NURS 399). I am the coordinator for the honors program.

In the graduate program, I have taught courses related to systematic review methodology and knowledge translation.

Mentorship and Supervision


I supervise masters (thesis), doctoral and post-doctoral trainees with a specific focus on complex intervention design and evaluation to promote social connectedness in diverse populations of older adults (preference given to those focused on people living with dementia). A minimum of 12 months advance notice is recommended to support the development of a competitive doctoral or post-doctoral application.

To make a supervisory request, please email hannah.orourke@ualberta.ca with: (1) a cover letter that clearly describes how your area of interest closely aligns with the core aims of the CONNECT-QoL research program; (2) a max 1-pg (single-spaced) description of your proposed research area of interest with reference to relevant literature (additional pages listing references can be included); and (3) a CV 

Faculty receive many requests. Inquiries that are missing any of these attachments may not be responded to.  


INT D 690 - Knowledge Utilization: Science and Practice

This course examines the science and practice of knowledge utilization, including theoretical underpinnings and exploration and critique of evidenced-based practice and knowledge translation in health care. Particular attention will be given to the conceptual and methodological features of the scientific field of knowledge utilization, knowledge use in complex organizations, and the design and application of strategies to increase the use of diverse forms of knowledge in health care policy and practice.

NURS 399B - Selected Topics in Nursing Research

The focus is on nursing research, nursing practice, and nursing as a discipline and a profession. Note: Available only to Nursing students in the Honors program.

Browse more courses taught by Hannah O'Rourke

Featured Publications

O’Rourke HM, Sidani S, Jeffrey N, Prestwich J, McLean H.

International Journal of Nursing Studies-Advances. 2020 January; 2

Interventions to address social connectedness and loneliness for older adults: a scoping review.

O’Rourke HM, Collins L, Sidani S.

BMC Geriatrics. 2018 January; 18 (214):DOI: 10.1186/s12877-018-0897-x

O’Rourke HM, Sidani S.

Journal of Gerontological Nursing. 2017 January; 43 (7):43-52

O’Rourke HM, Fraser KD, Duggleby W.

Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2015 January; 71

O’Rourke HM, Duggleby W, Fraser KD, Jerke L.

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2015 January; 63