Henry Tang
ATS Assistant Lecturer, Faculty of Science - Computing Science
- hktang@ualberta.ca
CMPUT 201 - Practical Programming Methodology
Introduction to the principles, methods, tools, and practices of the professional programmer. The lectures focus on the fundamental principles of software engineering based on abstract data types and their implementations. The laboratories offer an intensive apprenticeship to the aspiring software developer. Students use C and software development tools of the Unix environment. Prerequisite: CMPUT 175. Credit cannot be obtained for CMPUT 201 if credit has been obtained for CMPUT 275, except with permission of the Department.
CMPUT 291 - Introduction to File and Database Management
Basic concepts in computer data organization and information processing; entity-relationship model; relational model; SQL and other relational query languages; storage architecture; physical organization of data; access methods for relational data. Programming experience (e.g., Python) is required for the course project. Prerequisites: CMPUT 175 or 274, and 272. Corequisite: one of CMPUT 201 or 275.
CMPUT 301 - Introduction to Software Engineering
Object-oriented design and analysis, with interactive applications as the primary example. Topics include: software process; revision control; Unified Modeling Language (UML); requirements; software architecture, design patterns, frameworks, design guidelines; unit testing; refactoring; software tools. Prerequisite: CMPUT 201 or 275. This course may not be taken for credit if credit has been obtained in MIS 419 or BTM 419.