Holly Symonds-Brown, PhD, RN

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Nursing

Pronouns: she/her


Assistant Professor, Faculty of Nursing
(780) 492-9538
5-289 Edmonton Clinic Health Academy
11405 87 Ave NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 1C9


Area of Study / Keywords

care in the community care infrastructure dementia chronicity family care practices mobilities


I have worked as a nurse in mental health and addictions for many years in many settings and have always been interested in formal care practices and their fit with people's everyday life.


As an early career qualitative researcher, my work focuses on how care infrastructures shape the everyday lives of marginalized people due to cognitive or mental health differences.  I am particularly interested in how everyday life and care create possibilities for who people can be and where they can go. Most of my current work is related to life with dementia in the community. My work uses critical theory and theoretically informed ethnography to re-think taken for granted ideas of care, social inclusion and everyday life with chronicity.

Current Projects

Dementia and Mobilities of Everyday Life in Public Spaces (SSHRC Insight Development Grant- Priniciple Investigator)

LIVinG with ChrONIc cancer TrEatments (LONGEVITI) (SSHRC Insight Development Grant - Co-Investigator)

Strengthening Unpaid Care Mobilization in Canada’s Social Welfare State  (SSHRC Insight- Co-Investigator)

Living with Aortic Diseases( SSHRC Institutional Grants Co-PI )

Dementia and Public Spaces: Dyadic social mapping with carers and people living with dementia at home. (SSHRC-Explore Principle Investigator)

Adult Day Programs and their effects on individuals with dementia and their Caregivers  (ADAPT-DemCare): Developing Program theories on the how and the why.

(CIHR Operating Grant – Knowledge Synthesis Grants  Role: Co-applicant)

 Assessing the Impact of DAy programs on individuals living with Dementia and their family/friend Caregivers (AIDA-DemCare): A prospective, cross-provincial cohort study.Evaluation of Dementia Programs, Services, & Care Models ( CIHR Operating Grant Role: Principle Applicant – Regional Lead, PI: Matthias Hoben).


I teach mental health nursing (Nurs 327/437) in the undergraduate program and Advanced Nursing Inquiry (Nurs 601) and Ethnography in Healthcare (Nurs 661- independent study) in the doctoral program.


I am accepting MN thesis or capstone students interested in studying social health of people living with dementia at home or using critical theory to explore care infrastructure for marginalized populations.

I am not currently accepting doctoral students


NURS 327 - Mental Health and Wellness in Nursing

This course in mental health provides opportunities to acquire knowledge, skills, and attitudes to promote wellness, through safe, ethical nursing practice, in a variety of contexts. The focus will be mental well-being throughout the lifespan. Learning experiences will provide students an understanding of the mental health nursing process. Clinical hours listed are the total number of hours and will be offered over 6 weeks. Note: Available only to nursing students in the Collaborative/Honors Program or Bilingual Program. Prerequisites: NURS 216, NURS 224, and NURS 225.

NURS 601 - Advanced Nursing Inquiry

The purpose of this course is to foster advanced scholarly inquiry and to assist students to understand, position, and defend their research theoretically and methodologically in the context of multiple perspectives and different theoretical standpoints. Emphasis will be placed on the diverse but distinctive nature of nursing inquiry created through engagement of multiple communities within health related contexts.

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