Ilbin Lee, PhD

Assistant Professor, Alberta School of Business - Department of Accounting and Business Analytics


Assistant Professor, Alberta School of Business - Department of Accounting and Business Analytics
(780) 492-7763
3-21 C Business Building
11203 Saskatchewan Drive NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2R6



  • Sequential decision-making
  • Data analytics
  • Health applications
  • Wildfire operations


A Spotlight on Research at the Alberta School of Business

What does the 'Markov decision process' have to do with call centres?

My findings tell us...

  • A new algorithm can improve firm solutions.
  • Firms can minimize overall labour and waiting time costs using this new algorithm.
  • This new algorithm finds a 'rule' that is simple to implement resulting in optimal staffing levels.

Read more about this research...

Featured Publications

Lee I., Riabov A., Sohrabi S., and Udrea O.

Proceedings of the 6th Goal Reasoning Workshop at IJCAI/FAIM-2018. 2018 January;

Zheng R., Lee I., and Serban N.

European Journal of Operational Research. 2018 January; 270(3) (3):898-906

Lee I., Monahan S., Serban N., Griffin P., and Tomar S.

Health Services Research. 2017 January;

Lee I., Curry S., and Serban N.

INFORMS Journal on Computing. 2017 January;

Zheng R., Lee I., and Serban N.

2017 January;

Lee I., Epelman M.A., Romeijn H.E, and Smith R.L.

Operations Research Letters. 2014 January; 42 (3):238-245

Lee I., Epelman M.A., Romeijn H.E, and Smith R.L.

Operations Research. 65 (4):1029-1042