Ivonne Hernandez


Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Dentistry Dept
8th Floor Kaye Edmonton Clinic
11400 University Ave
Edmonton AB
T6G 1Z1


DENT 560 - TMD/Orofacial Pain/SleepDisordered Breathing I

Seminars in the pathophysiology, diagnosis and management of temporomandibular disorders, orofacial pain and sleep-disordered breathing.

DENT 561 - TMD/Orofacial Pain/SleepDisordered Breathing II

Seminars in the pathophysiology, diagnosis and management of temporomandibular disorders, orofacial pain and sleep-disordered breathing. Prerequisite: DENT 560.

DENT 567 - Systematic Reviews/MetaAnalysis in Dentistry I

This course focuses on the general principles of Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis in Dentistry. It will cover principles, procedures, problems and limitations in Systematic Reviews. Different types of Systematic Reviews would be analyzed. Use of Meta-Analysis as a statistical tool in Systematic Reviews will also be covered. Prerequisite: DENT 565.

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