Jane Samson, BA, MA, MTS, PhD
Professor, Faculty of Arts - History, Classics, & Religion Dept
Director Undergraduate, Faculty of Arts - History, Classics, & Religion Dept
Professor, Faculty of Arts - History, Classics, & Religion Dept
- janes@ualberta.ca
- Phone
- (780) 492-2966
- Address
2-57B Tory (H.M.) Building
11211 Saskatchewan Drive NWEdmonton ABT6G 2H4
Director Undergraduate, Faculty of Arts - History, Classics, & Religion Dept
- janes@ualberta.ca
Area of Study / Keywords
Pacific world Indigenous Pacific Christianity missionaries British colonialism
HIST 237 - The Pacific World Since 1500
Exploration, migration, trade, and geopolitics in the Pacific region, connecting Australia and the Pacific Islands with Asia and coastal North and South America.
HIST 395 - The Early British Empire
HIST 428 - Topics in the History of Christianity
Prerequisite: 3 units in HIST at the 300-level or consent of Department.
HIST 628 - Topics in the History of Christianity