Jen Beverly

Associate Professor, Wildland Fire, Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sci - Renewable Resources Dept

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Associate Professor, Wildland Fire, Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sci - Renewable Resources Dept
(780) 492-3442
853D General Services Building
9007 - 116 St NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2H1



Research Area –  Wildland Fire 

Website   Wildfire Analytics


  • Wildland Fire Science and Management (REN R 340/740)
  • Environmental Assessment Principles and Methods (REN R 307/710)

Areas of expertise

  • Fire behaviour
  • Fire risk assessment
  • Landscape values-at-risk mapping
  • Wildfire evacuations
  • Fire-climate interactions
  • PhD University of Toronto (Faculty of Forestry) 
  • MSc University of Toronto (Faculty of Forestry)
  • BES University of Waterloo (Faculty of Environmental Studies)


Wildfire Analytics


REN R 340 - Wildland Fire Science and Management

Principles of forest fire science and management in Canadian forest ecosystems. Fire science fundamentals and their applications for addressing complex social, ecological and economic fire management challenges. Topics include fire as a natural disturbance process, mechanisms of fire ignition and spread, fire weather, fire behaviour, and fire occurrence prediction. Models, systems, analytical techniques and policies used to support fire management operations and decisions are explored in relation to contemporary fire management issues.

REN R 604 - Graduate Research Seminar

Prepares graduate students to function in a research environment. Focus is applied communication of research. All students are required to present a seminar, present a research poster, and critique a seminar. Attendance at the seminars and poster session is required. If possible, REN R 604 should not be taken until the student has some research results to present. The grade is credit/no credit.

REN R 740 - Wildland Fire Science and Management

Principles of forest fire science and management in Canadian forest ecosystems. Fire science fundamentals and their applications for addressing complex social, ecological and economic fire management challenges. Topics include fire as a natural disturbance process, mechanisms of fire ignition and spread, fire weather, fire behaviour, and fire occurrence prediction. Models, systems, analytical techniques and policies used to support fire management operations and decisions are explored in relation to contemporary fire management issues. Intended for students in course based masters programs. Not to be taken if credit received for REN R 340. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.

Browse more courses taught by Jen Beverly

Featured Publications

Amy M. Kim, Jennifer L. Beverly, Abdullah Al Zahid

Safety Science. 2024 March; 10.1016/j.ssci.2023.106378

Beverly JL, Forbes AM

Natural Hazards . 2023 March; 117 10.1007/s11069-023-05885-3

Cameron H, Panda P, Barczyk M, Beverly JL

Ecological Informatics. 2022 July; 69 10.1016/j.ecoinf.2022.101658

Phelps N, Beverly JL

Annals of Forest Science. 2022 June; 79 10.1186/s13595-022-01151-x.pdf

Phelps N, Cameron H, Forbes AM, Schiks T, Schroeder D, Beverly JL

Annals of Forest Science. 2022 June; 79 10.1186/s13595-022-01144-w

Macauley K, McLoughlin N, Beverly JL

Forest Ecology and Management. 2022 January; 506 10.1016/j.foreco.2021.119958

Cameron H, Schroeder D, Beverly JL

International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2021 December; (0):1-12 10.1071/WF21004

Cameron HA, Díaz GM, Beverly JL

Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 2021 August; 12 10.1111/2041-210X.13708

Beverly JL, McLoughlin N, Chapman E

Landscape Ecology. 2021 January; 36 10.1007/s10980-020-01173-8

Beverly JL, Leverkus SER, Schroeder D, Cameron H

Fire. 2020 July; 3 10.3390/fire3030035

Beverly, J.L., McLoughlin, N.

Forest Ecology and Management. 2019 August; 451

Beverly, J.L.

International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2017 October; 26

Beverly, J.L., Bothwell, P.

Natural Hazards. 2011 January; 59

Beverly, J.L., Flannigan, M.D., Stocks, B.J., Bothwell, P.

Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 2011 January; 41

Beverly, J.L., Bothwell, P., Conner, J.C.R., Herd, E.P.K.

International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2010 January; 19

Beverly J.L., Her.d, E.P.K., Conner, J.C.R

Forest Ecology and Management. 2009 January; 258:

Beverly, J.L., Uto, K., Wilkes, J., Bothwell, P.

Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 2008 January; 38

Wotton, B.M., Beverly, J.L

International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2007 January; 16

Beverly, J.L., Wotton, B.M.

International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2007 January; 16

Beverly, J.L., Martell, D.L.

Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2005 January; 133

Beverly, J.L., Martell, D.L.

Conservation Biology. 2004 January; 18

Beverly, J.L., Martell, D.L.

Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 2003 January; 33

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