Jamin Blatter
ATS Assistant Lecturer, Faculty of Arts - Psychology Dept
- jblatter@ualberta.ca
PSYCH 241 - Social Psychology
A survey of theories and research on the individual in a social context. Prerequisite: PSYCH 105. Note: PSYCH 241 and SOC 241 may not both be taken for credit. [Faculty of Arts]
PSYCH 305 - Special Topics in Psychology I
Review and discussion of special topics or methods in one or more of the areas of contemporary psychology such as developmental, social, personality, cognitive. Prerequisites: PSYCH 104 or SCI 100, PSYCH 105 and a 200-level PSYCH class. Note: Consult the Department of Psychology's website for the specific topic(s) offered each year and any additional prerequisites. [Faculty of Arts]
PSYCH 333 - Personality Theory
An in-depth treatment of psychological theories of personality. Prerequisites: PSYCH 223, 239, or 241. Note: Not open to students with credit in PSYCH 233 or PSYCH 305 Topic: Personality. [Faculty of Arts].
PSYCH 342 - Social Influence
Introduction to research on social influence, including theory and empirical research on conformity, compliance, and obedience. Prerequisites: PSYCH 241 or SOC 241. Note: Not open to students with credit in PSYCH 305 Topic: Social Influence. [Faculty of Arts].
PSYCH 347 - Interpersonal Relationships
A general overview of research and theory in the domain of relationships, based on classic and contemporary findings from the social psychological literature. Most of the course content will focus on adult romantic relationships. Prerequisites: PSYCH 241 or SOC 241. Note: Not open to students with credit in HECOL 210 or PSYCH 305 Topic: Interpersonal Relationships. [Faculty of Arts].
PSYCH 447 - Self and Identity
Review of theory and research on the self, primarily from a social psychological perspective. Prerequisites: One of PSYCH 212 or PSYCH 213 or STAT 151 or 161, and one of PSYCH 342 or PSYCH 347. PSYCH 212 is strongly recommended. Note: Not open to students with credit in PSYCH 405 Topic: Self and Identity. [Faculty of Arts].