Jonathan Sharp

Associate Professor, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Oncology Dept


Associate Professor, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Oncology Dept
(403) 667-7204
3-25 University Terrace
8303 112 St NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2T4


Area of Study / Keywords

MRI Spacetime Foundations Quantum Mechanics Quantum Foundations Medical Devices


See my personal website for more:


New Book: A Universe of Spaces

In the early years of quantum mechanics, Einstein expressed concerns about the meaning of the theory and its completeness. Despite the many intervening decades of scientific success, many of those concerns are still alive today in the field of quantum foundations. Prominently, the well-established phenomenon of quantum nonlocality (‘spooky action at a distance’) seems to simply ignore Einstein’s theories of relativity. The resolution of this longstanding conflict between quantum and spacetime ideas is the major theme of this book. Based on established principles, Einstein’s relativity is reinterpreted as describing multiple spaces, held together by a quantum glue. Although it may appear that we shared a single space, we actually live within a quantum multispace. This new approach fully integrates relativity and quantum mechanics, and provides clear and deep explanations for the weirdness of quantum mechanics. This new quantum spacetime is a stepping stone to a theory of quantum gravity - the holy grail of theoretical physics.

Foundations of Quantum Mechanics
The topic of quantum foundations concerns efforts to find an 'interpretation' of quantum mechanics. Amongst physicists, there is remarkably little consensus on what quantum mechanics actually means, even though it is a tremendously successful and useful theory. The "Copenhagen Interpretation" of Niels Bohr is the traditional but leaves much unsaid. With the development of quantum technologies, such as quantum computing and encryption, experiments are probing systems which may demand a more specific ontology. A better understanding of the causes of decoherence may be of great practical relevance for these technologies.

Radio-Frequency Encoded Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
I am co-inventor of a novel MR imaging technology that eliminates the need for conventional imaging gradients. 'Gradient-free' imaging ('' - Transmit Array Spatial Encoding) is an entirely novel MRI approach which eliminates the traditional gradient coil system, eliminating bulk, cost and much complexity. This technology has the potential to substantially reduce the cost and increase the robustness of MRI. The work was featured in Nature 'Research Highlights' in September 2013.

MRI Techniques, Simulation and Image Formation
I have a long-standing interest in MRI data acquisition techniques ('pulse sequences') including the use of computer simulations. One example is a technique that I invented which retrospectively compensates for magnetic field shimming errors by combining signals from an array of detection coils.

MRI Systems and Technology
I have designed MRI control equipment (MRI consoles), two of which are currently in use running MRI research systems here in the Medical Physics . of our own equipment allows us greater flexibility and scope for technological innovation than does the use of commercial systems.


  • I teach radiation physics and MRI in the Radiation Therapy Program.
  • I have developed MRI education website for Radiation Therapists
  • I supervise graduate students in MRI

Featured Publications

Sedlock CJ, Purchase AR, Tomanek B, Sharp JC


A Parallel-Transmit Halbach Magnet TRASE MRI System

Canadian Association of Physicists (CAP) 2022 Annual Congress. Hamilton, ON, Canada, 5-10 June 2022. 2022 June;

Unification of Quantum and Relativistic Measurements

Canadian Association of Physicists (CAP) 2022 Annual Congress. Hamilton, ON, Canada, 5-10 June 2022.. 2022 June;

A Parallel-Transmit Halbach Magnet TRASE MRI System

International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) 2022. 2022 May;

A Truncated Twisted Solenoid RF Phase Gradient Transmit Coil for TRASE MRI,

International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) 2022 (ISMRM) May 2022. 2022 May;

IEEE Access. 2021 June; 9 DOI:10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3093530

Bohidar P., Sun H., Sharp J.C., Sarty G.E.

MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING. 2020 December; 74 10.1016/j.mri.2020.09.003