Joshua Evans, PhD

Associate Professor, Faculty of Science - Earth & Atmospheric Sciences Admin


Associate Professor, Faculty of Science - Earth & Atmospheric Sciences Admin
(780) 492-7515
3-123 Tory (H.M.) Building
11211 Saskatchewan Drive NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2H4



I am a human geographer broadly interested in geographies of marginalization.

I approach my work from the vantage point of three interrelated themes: space, knowledge and power. To conceptualize these themes and how they relate, I draw upon a variety of theoretical frameworks including governmentality theory, actor-network theory, and assemblage theory.

I utilize various methodological approaches and techniques in my work including discourse analysis, in-depth interviewing, participant observation, arts-based inquiry, and participatory action research.

My work has examined (a) spaces of care, home, and work and their role in shaping the lived experiences of socially marginalized and vulnerable individuals, and (b) spaces of policy development and implementation and their role in the creation of healthy, enabling and equitable urban environments.

Link to Google Scholar Profile

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Academic Blog:


BA Human Geography, University of Alberta

MA Human Geography, University of Alberta

PhD Human Geography, McMaster University  


My research focuses on the following topics:

  • Disability and Chronic Illness
  • Housing and Homelessness
  • Urban Policymaking and Governance
  • Philosophy and Human Geography


HGEO 341 - Social and Cultural Geography

Connections between space, society and culture at multiple scales. Formation and significance of cultural landscapes, and shaping of social life by spatial arrangements. Prerequisites: HGP 100 or HGEO 100, and HGEO 240 or HGP 240. Not available for students with credit in HGP 341.

HGEO 499 - Human Geography Field School

Intensive field or practical study in Human Geography, typically as part of a team working off-campus. Details and areas of study may vary from year to year; consult the department about current offerings, fees and timing. Prerequisites: Any HGEO 2XX, HGP 2XX or PLAN 2XX course plus consent of Instructor. Topics vary; may be taken more than once for credit provided no topic is repeated. This course may require the payment of additional fees. Refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations section of the Calendar.

HGEO 599 - Advanced Human Geography Field School

Intensive field or practical study in Human Geography, typically as part of a team working off-campus. Details and areas of study may vary from year to year; consult the department about current offerings, fees and timing. Topics vary; may be taken more than once for credit provided no topic is repeated. This course may require the payment of additional fees. Refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations section of the Calendar.

PLAN 499 - Planning Field School

Intensive field or practical study in Urban and Regional Planning, typically as part of a team working off-campus. Details and areas of study may vary from year to year; consult the department about current offerings, fees and timing. Prerequisite: PLAN 210 or HGP 210 and Consent of Instructor. Topics vary; may be taken more than once for credit provided no topic is repeated. This course may require the payment of additional fees. Refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations section of the Calendar.

PLAN 599 - Advanced Practical Field Study in Planning

Intensive field or practical study in Planning, typically as part of a team working off-campus. Details and areas of study may vary from year to year; consult the department about current offerings, fees and timing. Sections offered at an increased rate of fee assessment; refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations sections of the Calendar.

Browse more courses taught by Joshua Evans

Featured Publications

Long, F and Evans, J

Geoforum. 2023 June; 144

Evans, J., Stout, M., Collins, D., & McDowell, K.

Housing Studies. 2021 September;

Evans, J. and Baker, T.

Futures. 2021 January; 129

Evans, J. and Masuda, J.

Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space. 2020 January; 38 (3):503-521

Perski, M., Wilton, R., and Evans, J.

Health & Place. 2020 January; 62

Evans, J., Collins, D., Chai, C.

Area. 2019 January; 51

Well enough to work? Social enterprise employment and the geographies of mental health recovery.

Evans, J. Wilton, R.

Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 2019 January; 109 (1):87-103

Baker, T. Evans, J. and Hennigan, B.

Progress in Human Geography . 2019 January; 44 (3):534-554

Evans, J. Collins, D., Anderson, J.

Social Science and Medicine. 2016 January; 168

Evans, J.

Geography Compass. 2016 January;

Baker, T. and Evans, J.

Geography Compass. 2016 January; 10 (1):25-41

Evans, J., Semogas, D., Smallwood, J., Lohfeld, L.

Health & Place. 2015 January; 33

Evans, J.

Social & Cultural Geography. 2012 January; 13 (2):175-190

Evans, J.

Health & Place. 2011 January; 17