James Hogan, PhD, PEng

Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering George Ford Chair in Materials Engineering, Faculty of Engineering - Mechanical Engineering Dept


Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering George Ford Chair in Materials Engineering, Faculty of Engineering - Mechanical Engineering Dept
(780) 492-1733
10-227 Donadeo Innovation Centre For Engineering
9211 116 St
Edmonton AB
T6G 2H5



Area of Study / Keywords

Website: https://sites.ualberta.ca/~jdhogan/ Mechanics and Materials Experimental Mechanics Computational Mechanics Nano And Micro Materials Materials Design Impact Mechanics



  • 2013-2015 Postdoctoral Fellow - The Johns Hopkins University
  • 2009-2013 Mech Engn PhD - University of New Brunswick
  • 2007-2009 Mech Engn BSc - University of New Brunswick
  • 2003-2007 Applied Math BSc - University of Prince Edward Island


In my research program, we seek to design new materials and industrial processes that allow us to control material failure and ultimately improve material performance. Current research projects within the program include:

  • Design of next generation protection materials for personal and vehicle armor
  • Design of coating materials to mitigate wear failure of machines in the oil and gas, renewable energy, and hydrogen production industry
  • Improving blasting and milling operations in mining and mineral processing through controlled fragmentation

To accomplish our program objectives, the group works with a number of national and international collaborators in industry and government.

Keywords: solid mechanics; mechanics of materials; experimental mechanics; computational mechanics; rock mechanics; dynamic fragmentation; brittle materials; light-weight materials; granular behavior; advanced ceramics; planetary materials; blast, impact; protection; oil and gas; energy.


I typically teach the following courses:

1.    MEC E 360 - Mechanical Design II: The objective of MEC E 360 is to learn to apply theory and standard principles to the design and selection of shafts, gears, bearings, and connections with considerations for materials, fatigue loading, and stress concentrations. Students apply these machine design concepts in a challenging group project that involves the iterative design of a gearbox (e.g., multi-speed bike, car, tank, or helicopter transmission).

2. MEC E 687 - Introduction to Impact Dynamics of Materials: The objective of MEC E 687 is to introduce students to various topics needed to solve impact problems in materials: applied mathematics, wave mechanics, mechanics and materials, fracture mechanics, dynamic behavior of materials, experimental mechanics, materials science, computational mechanics, and penetration mechanics. At the end of this course, students should be able to apply these concepts to the planning, execution, and analysis of experiments in a range of disciplines involving impact of materials.

3. MEC E 668 – Design of Experiments: The objective of MEC E 668 is to introduce students to the various topics needed to perform and analyze experiments: types of experiments, design for experiments, diagnostics and tools, analysis (statistics, image processing, Matlab), and dissemination (writing and presenting). At the end of this course, students are able to apply the planning, execution, and analysis of experiments in any discipline. This course is foundational for students working on experiments.

In these courses, I believe in exposing students to different ways of thinking about engineering problems through diverse lecturing and multi-disciplinary term projects, and then allowing students to pursue their engineering passions through intensive group work and open-ended assessments.


I invite applications and queries for multiple positions for full-time Master’s and Doctoral research assistant positions in the area of Mechanics of Materials. 

Applicants will join a highly collaborative and interdisciplinary research team, and work closely with collaborators from government and industry.

Job postings are usually found here: https://ca.linkedin.com/company/cdam-ualberta