Joseph Doucet

Professor, Alberta School of Business - Marketing, Business Economics and Law


Professor, Alberta School of Business - Marketing, Business Economics and Law
(780) 492-7644
Business Building
11203 Saskatchewan Drive NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2R6



Joseph Doucet is a Professor in the Alberta School of Business, and former Dean of Business and Interim Dean of the College of Social Sciences and Humanities. A respected academic, Joe’s research interests focus on the areas of energy and regulatory economics and policy; he also regularly provides strategic advice to firms and governments on these topics.

Scholarly Activities

Research - Research

J. Doucet, A. Kleit and S. Fikirdanis “Valuing Electricity Transmission: The Case of Alberta” (2013) Energy Economics 36(March): 396-404.

A. Leach, J. Doucet and T. Nickel “Renewable fuels: Policy effectiveness and project risk” (2011) Energy Policy 39(7): 4007-4015.

T. Gliedt, T. Berkhout, P. Parker, and J. Doucet “Voluntary Environmental Decision-Making: Green Electricity Purchases and the Role of Champions” (2010) International Journal of Business Environment 3(3): 308-328.

J. Doucet and S. Littlechild “Negotiated Settlements and the National Energy Board in Canada” (2009) Energy Policy 37(11): 4633-4644.

J. Doucet and S. Littlechild “Negotiated Settlements: The development of economic and legal thinking” (2006) Utilities Policy 14: 266-277.

S. Ambec and J. Doucet, “Decentralizing Hydropower Production” (2003) Canadian Journal of Economics 36(3): 587-607.

C. Chaton and J. Doucet “Uncertainty and Investment in Electricity Generation with an Application to the Case of Hydro-Québec” (2003) Annals of Operations Research Special volume on OR models for energy policy, planning and management, 120: 59-80.

C. Jacques, G. Lafrance and J.A. Doucet "Inertia in the North American electricity industry; is it realistic to think that they Kyoto Protocol objectives can be met?" (2001) Energy Policy 29: 453-463.

P. Barla, J.A. Doucet and J.D. Saphores "Protection des habitats d'espèces menacées en terres privées: analyse d'instruments et de la politique canadienne" (2000) Analyse de politiques- Canadian Public Policy 26(1): 95-110.

J.-T. Bernard and J.A. Doucet “L’ouverture du marché d’exportation d’électricité québécoise: réalité ou mirage à l’horizon” (1999) Analyse de politiques - Canadian Public Policy 25(2): 247-258.

J.A. Doucet and A. Giles Heyes “Restructuring of Ontario’s Electricity Supply System: An Analysis of the Proposals” (1998) Utilities Policy 6(4):271-282.

J.A. Doucet, Eftichios Sartzetakis and Todd Strauss "CAAA Induced Competition in Coal Markets: A Model of Coal and Allowances” (1997) Pacific and Asian Energy Journal 7(2): 193-206.

J.A. Doucet, K.J. Min, M. Roland and T. Strauss, "A Two-Stage Mechanism for Efficient Self-Rationing and Market Coordination" (1996) Energy Economics 18(3):247-263.

J.A. Doucet, K.J. Min, M. Roland and T. Strauss, "A Two-Stage Mechanism to Improve Electricity Rationing” (1996) Canadian Journal of Economics 29: S270-S275.

J.A. Doucet and T. Strauss "On the Bundling of Coal and Sulfur Dioxide Emissions Allowances" (1994) Energy Policy 22(9):764-770.

J.A. Doucet, "Coordination of Non-Utility Generation Through Priority Purchase Contracts" (1994) The Energy Journal 15(1):179-192.

J.A. Doucet, "Incentives for Cogeneration: Comments and Perspectives" (1993) Energy Studies Review 5(2):99-103.

J.A. Doucet and Michel Roland, "Efficient Self-Rationing of Electricity Revisited" (1993) Journal of Regulatory Economics (5):91-100.

J.A. Doucet, "Residential Dual Energy Programs: Tariffs and Incentives" (1992) Energy Studies Review 4(1):55-65.

J.A. Doucet and S.S. Oren "Onsite Backup Generation and Interruption Insurance for Electricity Distribution" (1991) The Energy Journal 12(4):1-15.

S.S. Oren and J.A. Doucet "Interruption Insurance for Generation and Distribution of Electric Power" (1990) Journal of Regulatory Economics 2(1):5-19.