Jonathan Dubue, PhD

Clinical Supervisor, Faculty of Education - Clinic

Pronouns: he/him


Clinical Supervisor, Faculty of Education - Clinic
(780) 492-6522


Area of Study / Keywords

Suicide Suicide Risk Assessment and Management Therapeutic Assessment Psychotherapy Integration Clinical Supervision


Hi there! Thanks for checking out my profile! Here's a bit about who I am, and where I've learned.

I'm a serial University of Alberta student and alumni who, after 11 years of genuinely enjoyable education, became a Registered Psychologist (2022) and PhD graduate (2023). My clinical interests center around humanistic and existential concerns, including chronic suicidality, grief/loss, chronic pain and health, relationship concerns, and sleep issues.

Currently, I’m a Clinical Supervisor for the Faculty of Education’s in-house community psychology clinic, Clinical Services. My job here is to supervise masters and doctoral students in their development as psychologists-in-training, coordinate off-site practica, support the operations of Clinical Services, maintain our pre-doctoral residency, and engage in clinical research, among other here-and-there responsibilities.

Outside of academics, I’m keen on role-playing games (like Dungeons and Dragons), video games, and a variety of sports! I’m also an amateur photographer, love local coffee, and spend a lot of time in our exceptional river valley.


Ph.D. | 2018-2023 | University of Alberta, Counselling Psychology (CPA-Accredited)
Residency | 2021-2022 | Edmonton Consortium Clinical Psychology Residency (CPA-Accredited)
M.Ed. | 2016-2018 | University of Alberta, Counselling Psychology
B.Sc. (Hons.) | 2011-2015 | University of Alberta, 1st Class Honours Psychology


Please note, as a Clinical Supervisor, I am unable to take students. If you are looking for a primary research supervisor for the Counselling Psychology program at the University of Alberta, please refer to the Program Staff tab on our program website.

I am, however, able to support research projects in our clinic and sit on thesis and dissertation committees.

My research interests are primarily in the area of suicide and its prevention. I have been most interested in understanding how we practice, learn, and experience attending to people with suicidal ideation. Relatedly, I am also interested in humanistic and integrative research, such as Therapeutic Assessment, Self-Determination Theory, clinical supervision, and implementation science. I am keen on pragmatic, scientist-practitioner-focused research that uses quantitative, qualitative, and/or mixed methods.

Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals

  • Gaine, G. S., Dubue, J. D., Purdon, S., Abba-Aji, A. (2021). Psychiatric hospital experiences that support and frustrate adults’ psychological needs: A self-determination theory perspective. Early Intervention in Psychiatry. Advance online publication.
  • Gaine, G. S., Dubue, J. D., Purdon, S., Abba-Aji, A. (2021). The relation between psychological need satisfaction in acute psychiatric hospital and recovery among emerging adults: A self-determination theory approach. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal. Advance online publication.
  • Dubue, J. D., Hanson, W. E. (2020). Psychologists’ experiences conducting suicide risk assessments: A phenomenological study. Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy, 54(4), 819-845.
  • Dubue, J. D., Cheng, J., Vuong, W., Westbury, C. (2018). Peer Edmonton Empathy Recruitment Scale (PEERS): A tool for student-based peer support worker selection and empathy measurement. Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy, 52(2), 180-193.
  • Dubue, J. D., McKinney, T. L., Treit, D., & Dickson, C. T. (2015). Intrahippocampal Anisomycin impairs spatial performance on the Morris Water Maze. The Journal of Neuroscience, 35(31), 11118-11124.

Presentation at Peer-Reviewed Local, Regional, & National/International Conferences | 2019-YTD

  • Cox, D., Dubue, J. D., McCloskey, K., Aafjes-van Doorne, K., Mickelson, J. (2023) A practical, integrative, and therapeutically responsive approach for psychotherapists working with clients in suicidal crisis. Panel/Symposium at the 39th Annual Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration Conference, Vancouver, BC, May 2023.
  • Dubue, J. D. (2022). We can (and should) be better at suicide prevention: How Canadian Psychologists practice, train, and experience suicide risk assessment and management. Oral presentation at Canadian Psychological Association Convention, Calgary, AB, June 2022
  • Dubue, J. D. (2022). Closing the practice-research feedback loop: How psychologists in Canada practice, train, and experience suicide risk assessment and management. Oral presentation at the Suicide Research Symposium, International (Online), June 2022
  • Dubue, J. D. (2020). The phenomenology of suicide risk assessment of Albertan psychologists. Oral and poster presentation at the College of Alberta Psychologists and Psychologists’ Association of Alberta annual combined meeting, Online, October 2020. Winner: Best Presentation.
  • Dubue, J. D. (2020). Suicide risk assessments: An update for clinicians. Oral presentation and workshop at the Canadian Counselling Psychological Association’s Annual Meeting*, Edmonton, AB, May 2020. *Cancelled due to COVID-19.
  • Gaine, G. S. & Dubue, J. D. (2020). Self-determination theory applications for youth in psychiatric care. Oral presentation for the Youth Transition Conference*, Calgary, AB, May 2020. *Cancelled due to COVID-19.
  • Kim, M., Gaine, G. S., Dubue, J. D., Purdon, S., & Abba-Aji, A. (2020). DSM-5 personality disorder traits and hospital experiences of young adult psychiatric patients. Poster presentation at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology’s Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA, February 2020.
  • Fairchild, A., Dubue, J. D. (2019). Seeing through our patients’ eyes: The Sartore multidisciplinary studentship in supportive care in oncology. Oral presentation at the Innovation Discovery Education and Scholarship (IDEAS) Day, Edmonton, AB, December 2019. Winner: Best Oral Presentation.
  • Dubue, J. D. (2019). Suicide risk assessment: A call for disruptive change. Oral presentation at the National Conference of the Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention, Edmonton, AB, October 2019.
  • Dubue, J. D. (2019). Phenomenological analysis of suicide risk assessment in psychologists: Implications for practice. Poster presentation at the National Conference of the Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention, Edmonton, AB, October 2019.
  • Dubue, J. D., Khatri, G., & Wasonga, P. (2019). Running a suicide bereavement support group: A dissection of CMHA Edmonton’s strategy. Workshop at the National Conference of the Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention, Edmonton, AB, October 2019.
  • Dubue, J. D., Hanson, W. E. (2019). Conducting suicide risk assessment: Psychologists’ experiences. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Halifax, NS, May 2019.
  • Dubue, J. D., Hanson, W. E. (2019). Updates on conducting suicide risk assessment: A phenomenological approach. Poster presented at the 12th Annual Dunlop Conference, Edmonton, AB, March 2019. Winner: Best Poster Presentation.


I am currently teaching Clinical Supervision (EDPY 697) in Winter 2024. I am also responsible for providing guest lectures and workshops to our students and within the community.

Workshops, Invited Talks, & Guest Lectures | 2019-YTD

  • Dubue, J.D. (2023). An update to your suicide risk management practice. Guest lecture, PSYC 438: Psychological Interviewing, MacEwan University.
  • Dubue, J.D. (2023). A client tells you they want to die: what should you do? Oral Presentation, Psychology Research Day, Alberta Health Services.
  • Dubue, J.D. (2022). Sleeping well after managing suicide risk. Guest lecture, PSY 801: Theoretical and Empirical Foundations of Clinical Psychology, Concordia University of Edmonton.
  • Dubue, J.D. (2022). We must (and can) assess suicide differently. Panel speaker, CAP Annual Meeting and Professional Development Event.
  • Dubue, J.D. (2022). Suicide and Suicide Risk Assessment. Guest lecture, EDPY 442: Introduction to Counselling, University of Alberta.
  • Dubue, J.D. (2022). Suicide and Suicide Risk Assessment: Introductions, Applications, and Complications. Guest lecture, PSYC 438: Psychological Interviewing, MacEwan University.
  • Dubue, J.D. (2021). Suicide Risk Assessment and Management: How to go to sleep at night. Guest lecture, PSY 801: Theoretical and Empirical Foundations of Clinical Psychology, Concordia University of Edmonton.
  • Dubue, J.D. (2021). Suicide and Suicide Risk Assessment. Guest lecture, EDPY 442: Introduction to Counselling, University of Alberta.
  • Dubue, J.D. (2020). “I don’t want to live like this, but I don’t want to die”: Refugee-informed suicide risk assessment. Workshop for clinical staff, Edmonton Mennonite Center for Newcomers.
  • Dubue, J.D. (2020). Helping without harm: Helping you help others. Workshop for Teaching Fellows, Peter Lougheed Leadership College, University of Alberta.
  • Dubue, J.D. (2020). On the ethical edge: Navigating suicide risk assessments in oncology*. Presentation for the Cross Cancer Center’s Grand Rounds, Cross Cancer Center – Alberta Health Services.  *Cancelled due to COVID-19
  • Dubue, J.D. (2019). Collecting stories: Navigating research and suicidal participants. Presented for the Royal Alexandra Hospital Clinical Research Team for Addictions and Mental Health, Royal Alexandra Hospital – Alberta Health Services
  • Dubue, J.D. (2019). Oncology-appropriate suicide risk assessment and intervention: Recommendations from literature and observation. Presented for the multidisciplinary healthcare practitioners of the Cross Cancer Center, Cross Cancer Center – Alberta Health Services
  • Dubue, J.D. (2019). Living on the perilous edge: Examining suicide risk assessment practices. Presented for the Psychosocial and Spiritual Resource Team, Cross Cancer Institute – Alberta Health Services
  • Dubue, J.D. (2019). Your role in suicide risk assessment. Guest Lecture, EDPY 442: Introduction to Counselling, University of Alberta.
  • Dubue, J.D. (2019). Helping without harm: Having difficult conversations with students. Workshop, Peter Lougheed Leadership College Teaching Fellow Training, University of Alberta.

Featured Publications

Gaine, G. S., Dubue, J. D., Purdon, S., Abba-Aji, A.

Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal. 2021 June; 44 (2):186-196 10.1037/prj0000459

Gaine, G. S., Dubue, J. D., Purdon, S., Abba-Aji, A.

Early Intervention in Psychiatry.. 2021 April; 16 (4):402-409 10.1111/eip.13179

Dubue, J. D., Hanson, W. E.

Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy. 2020 December; 54 (4):819-845 10.47634/cjcp.v54i4.69433

Dubue, J. D., Cheng, J., Vuong, W., Westbury, C.

Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy. 2018 December; 52 (2):180-193 10.1037/t73162-000

Dubue, J. D., McKinney, T. L., Treit, D., & Dickson, C. T.

The Journal of Neuroscience. 2015 June; 35 (31):11118-11124 10.1523/jneurosci.1857-15.2015