Shira Joudan, PhD

/shira jo-DAN/

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Science - Chemistry

Pronouns: she/they

Personal Website:


Assistant Professor, Faculty of Science - Chemistry
E5-52A Chemistry Centre - East
11227 Saskatchewan Drive NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2G2


Area of Study / Keywords

environmental chemistry analytical chemistry


I am an environmental and analytical chemist, and expert on the environmental fate of human made contaminants. My research focuses on how reactions in the environment change the transport of contaminants and human exposure. I specifically study halogenated contaminants such as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and other organic molecules that are of concern due to their toxicity or other harmful environmental impacts.

Please visit my research group website for more information on my research and opportunities:

A complete list of my publications can be accessed at my Google Scholar page.

I also write columns about starting as a new assistant professor for the journal Nature Chemistry.


I teach analytical and environmental chemistry courses. In addition, through my research group, I supervise graduate students and undergraduates. Undergrad students interested in research experience can apply for CHEM 299, 399, 401/403 or summer research opportunities. All information is on our group website.


CHEM 213 - Quantitative Analysis II

A continuation of CHEM 211 emphasizing the principles, methods, and experimental applications of separation techniques, atomic and molecular optical spectrometry, mass spectrometry, and evaluation of experimental data. Includes examples of organic and inorganic analyses and use of the analytical literature. Prerequisite: CHEM 211. Students who have previously taken CHEM 313 may not take CHEM 213 for credit.

CHEM 303 - Environmental Chemistry I

The chemistry of environmental processes. Atmospheric chemistry; thermal and photochemical reactions of atmospheric gases including oxygen, ozone, hydroxy radical, and oxides of nitrogen and sulfur. Aquatic chemistry; characterization, reactions, and equilibria of dissolved species, water purification treatments. Metals and organohalides in the environment. Risk assessment. Prerequisites: CHEM 102; CHEM 261 or 264; CHEM 263 or 265; and one 200-level CHEM course or CH E 243.

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