John Parkins

Dean & Executive Officer, Augustana - Deans Office

Pronouns: he, him


Dean & Executive Officer, Augustana - Deans Office
(780) 679-1130
2-060 Forum
4901 46 Ave
Camrose AB
T4V 2R3


Area of Study / Keywords

social context of resource development renewable and community energy public deliberation and environmental politics sociology of food and agriculture


Academic Disciplines

Rural Sociology, Environmental Sociology, Sociology of Agriculture

Websites / Social Media Content

Academic Profile: Research Gate

Follow me on LinkedIn

Project website: Energy Transitions in Canada


Major Responsibilities / Research Interests  

energy and society; gender and food security; sustainable agriculture; public engagement; social impact assessment; natural resource management

Energy Transition

Holowach, M. and J.R. Parkins. 2023. Unraveling the Link between Political Polarization and Wind Energy Perspectives: Insights from a Survey of Agricultural Landowners in Alberta, Canada. Energy & Environment. 1-18.

Chewinski, M, S. Anders and J.R. Parkins. 2023. Agricultural Landowner Perspectives on Wind Energy Development in Alberta, Canada: Insights from the Lens of Energy Justice and Democracy. Environmental Sociology.

Patel, S. and J.R. Parkins. 2023. Assessing motivations and barriers to renewable energy development: Insights from a survey of municipal decision-makers in Alberta, Canada. Energy Reports, (9), 5788-5798.

Miller, A. and J.R. Parkins. 2023. Contending with equity ownership in Indigenous renewable energy projects. Journal of Rural and Community Development, 18(2), 44–64.

Parkins, J.R., Anders, S., Meyerhoff, J., Holowach, M. 2022. Landowner acceptance of wind turbines on their land: Insights from a factorial survey experiment. Land Economics, 98(4): 674–689. 

Public Participation

Parkins, J.R., Sinclair, A.J. 2023. Public participation at a crossroads: Manipulation or meaningful engagement in the Boreal region. Book chapter in Boreal Forests in the Face of Climate Change (Miguel Montoro Girona, et al. editors). Ch. 23, p. 575-587. 

Egunyu, F., Reed, M., Sinclair, A. J., Parkins, J. R., & Robson, J. P. 2020. Public engagement in forest governance in Canada: Whose values are being represented anyway?. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, online first.

Sustainable Agriculture

Bassi, E., J.R. Parkins, K. Caine. 2019. Situating emotions in social practices: Empirical insights from animal husbandry in the cow-calf industry. Sociologia Ruralis 59 (2): 275-293.

Kessler, A., J.R. Parkins, and E. Huddart-Kennedy. 2016. Contested discourses of sustainability in the beef industry: Understanding narratives of environmental stewardship in the face of climate change. Rural Sociology 81 (2), 172-193.

Davidson, D.J., K.E. Jones and J.R. Parkins. 2016. Food safety risks, disruptive events and alternative beef production: a case study of agricultural transition in Alberta. Agriculture and Human Values, 33: 359-371.

International Development

Kaler, A. and J.R. Parkins. 2018. Talking about time: temporality, causality and motivation for international faith-based humanitarian actors in South Sudan. British Journal of Sociology 69(4):1313-1336.

Chechina, M., Y. Neveuxa. J.R. Parkins and A. Hamann. 2018. Balancing Conservation and Livelihoods: A Study of Forest-dependent Communities in the Philippines. Conservation and Society 16 (4), 420-430.

Njuki, J., J.R. Parkins and A. Kaler (Editors). 2016. Transforming gender and food security in the Global South. New York: Routledge (11 Chapters).

Social Impact Assessment

Sinclair. A.J., Diduck, A. and Parkins, J.R. 2022. Innovative approaches to achieving meaningful public participation in next generation impact assessment (Ch. 14, 239-258), In (K. Hanna, ed.). Routledge Handbook of Environmental Impact Assessment. 

da Silva, G. D. P., Parkins, J. R., & Sherren, K. 2021. Do methods used in social impact assessment adequately capture impacts? An exploration of the research-practice gap using hydroelectricity in Canada. Energy Research & Social Science, 79, 102188.

Hanna, K., E. McGuigan, B. Noble, J. Parkins. 2019. An analysis of the state of impact assessment knowledge for alternative power production. Energy Research & Social Sciences. 50, 116-128.

Major Projects

Pathways to energy democracy in Canada. Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), Insight Grant, $338,000 (2023 – 2027). PI: Parkins (Alberta). Co-applicants: MacArthur (Royal Roads), Boucher and Pigeon (Saskatchewan), Marcoul and Banack (Alberta). 

Energy Transitions in Canada: Exploring the social, cultural and ethical dimensions of changing energy landscapes

Future Energy Systems: Measuring the Costs and Benefits of Energy Transitions

Featured Publications

M Chewinski, S Anders, JR Parkins

Environmental Sociology. 2023 July; 9 (4):477-489 10.1080/23251042.2023.2247627

Miller, A. and J.R. Parkins.

Journal of Rural and Community Development. 2023 June; 18 (2):44-64

John R Parkins, A John Sinclair

2023 February; Boreal Forests in the Face of Climate Change: Sustainable Management

Parkins, J.R., Anders, S., Meyerhoff, J., Holowach, M.

Land Economics. 2022 August; 98( (4):674–689 10.3368/le.98.4.012521-0008R1

Kevin E Jones, Kristof Van Assche, John R Parkins

Local Environment. 2021 July; 26 (7):908-920 10.1080/13549839.2021.1939289

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