Jorge Rosés Labrada

Associate Professor, Faculty of Arts - Linguistics Dept

Pronouns: he, him, his


Associate Professor, Faculty of Arts - Linguistics Dept


Area of Study / Keywords

Indigenous languages of the Americas; language documentation and revitalization; linguistic typology; historical linguistics


LING 224 - Endangered Languages

An examination of local and global factors affecting the vitality of languages: how language endangerment arises, how linguistic and cultural diversity suffers, and how linguists can respond. Students cannot receive credit for both LING 224 and 324.

LING 362 - Language Documentation

Issues and methods in the documentation of endangered languages, from community collaboration, to recording speakers, to the preparation and deposit of documentary data in permanent collections. Prerequisite: LING 204 and 205.

LING 405 - Historical Linguistics

Principles and methods in the study of language change. Prerequisite: LING 310. Not offered every year.

LING 501 - Research Project Seminar

Requires a literature review, devising research methodology, writing and defending a project proposal. Prerequisite: consent of Department. Note: Required for BA Honors students in Linguistics in their final year.

LING 599 - Special Topics in Linguistic Research

A study of recent developments in particular areas of linguistic research. Prerequisite: consent of Department. Formerly LING 443.

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