Janusz Zwiazek

Professor, Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sci - Renewable Resources Dept


Professor, Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sci - Renewable Resources Dept
(780) 492-2358
438 Earth Sciences Building
11223 Saskatchewan Drive NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2E3



Job/Research Area: Tree physiology


  • Faculty of Agriculture, Life and Environmental Sciences Teaching Award (2015).
  • Faculty of Agriculture, Life and Environmental Sciences Teacher of the Year (2000, 2004, 2011-2015).
  • The David J. Gifford Award in Tree Physiology (2010).
  • International Union of Forestry Research Organizations (IUFRO) Scientific Achievement Award (2010).
  • University of Alberta McCalla Professor (2003-2004, 2009-2010).
  • University of Alberta Annual Killam Professor (2002-2003).


Major Responsibilities/Research Interests: Tree physiology; effects of pollution, drought and other environmental stresses on function and structure of trees; stress resistance, physiological, biochemical and structural adaptations of trees to stress; tree improvement and stress conditioning; structure and function of cell membranes.


REN R 421 - Advanced Tree Physiology

Stress physiology of trees and tree seedlings; mechanisms of stress action and stress resistance; effects of silvicultural practices on growth and physiology; planting stress. Prerequisite: consent of Instructor.

REN R 501 - Topics in Renewable Resources

Directed study in the multiple aspects of renewable resources. Open to fourth year or graduate students upon consent of instructor.

REN R 521 - Advanced Tree Physiology

Stress physiology of trees and tree seedlings; mechanisms of stress action and stress resistance; effects of silvicultural practices on growth and physiology; planting stress. Not to be taken if credit received for REN R 421 or REN R 725.

Browse more courses taught by Janusz Zwiazek

Featured Publications

Equiza M.A., Calvo-Polanco M., Cirelli D., Señorans J., Wartenbe M., Saunders C., Zwiazek J.J.

Urban Forestry and Urban Greening. 2016 January;

Xu H., Cooke J.E.K., Kemppainen M., Pardo A.G., Zwiazek J.J.

Mycorrhiza. 2016 January; 26

Xu H., Navarro-Ródenas A., Cooke J.E.K., Zwiazek J.J.

Mycorrhiza. 2016 January; 26

Ranganathan K., Vaziriyeganeh M., Zwiazek J.J.

Biological Research. 2016 January;

Mu D., Zwiazek J.J., Li Z., Zhang W

Acta Physiologiae Plantarum. 2016 January; 38

Zwiazek J.J., Tan X., Xu H., Navarro-Ródenas A., Morte A.

Nature Communications. 2016 January;

Zhang W., Zwiazek J.J.

Journal of Environmental Quality. 2016 January;

Zhang W., Zwiazek J.J.

Plant Biology. 2016 January;

Ranganathan K., El Kayal W., Cooke J.E.K., Zwiazek J.J.

Journal of Plant Physiology. 2016 January; 192

Xu H., Kemppainen M., El Kayal W., Lee S.H., Pardo A.G., Cooke J.E.K., Zwiazek J.J.

New Phytologist. 2015 January; 205

Lee S.H., Zwiazek J.J.

Plant and Cell Physiology. 2015 January; 56

Zhang W., Xu F., Zwiazek J.J.

Environmental and Experimental Botany. 2015 January; 111

Navarro-Ródenas A., Xu H., Kemppainen M., Pardo A. G., Zwiazek J.J.

Plant Cell and Environment. 2015 January; 38

Calvo-Polanco M., Equiza M.A., Señorans J., Zwiazek J.J.

Journal of Environmental Quality. 2014 January; 43

Onwuchekwa N.E., Zwiazek J.J., Quoreshi A., Khasa D.P.

Mycorrhiza. 2014 January; 24

Liu J., Equiza M.A., Navarro-Rodenas A., Lee S.H., Zwiazek J.J.

Planta. 2014 January; 240

Jimenez-Casas M., Zwiazek J.J.

Annals of Forest Science. 2014 January; 71

Equiza M.A., Zwiazek J.J.

Botany. 2014 January; 92

Wang A-F., Roitto M., Lehto T. , Zwiazek J.J., Calvo-Polanco M., Repo T.

Annals of Forest Science. 2013 January; 70

Zhang W.,Calvo-Polanco M., Chi Chen Z., Zwiazek J.J.

Plant and Soil. 2013 January; 373

Siemens J.A., Zwiazek J.J.

Journal of Plant Nutrition. 2013 January; 36

Jimenez-Casas M., Zwiazek J.J.

Forest Science 59:407-415. 2013 January;

Xu H., Cooke J.E.K., Zwiazek J.J.

Botany. 2013 January; 91

Calvo-Polanco M., Señorans J., Zwiazek J.J.

BMC Plant Biology. 2012 January; 12

Lee S.H., Chung G.C., Jang J.Y, Ahn S.J., Hong S.-W., Zwiazek J.J.

Plant Physiology. 2012 January; 159

Calvo-Polanco M, Zwiazek J.J.

Acta Physiologiae Plantarum. 2011 January; 33

Arango-Velez A, Zwiazek J.J., Thomas B.R., Tyree M.T.

Physiologia Plantarum. 2011 January; 143

Siemens J.A., Zwiazek J.J.

Plant and Soil. 2011 January; 345

Siemens, J.A., Calvo-Polanco M., Zwiazek. J.J.

Tree Physiology. 2011 January; 31

Lehto T., Zwiazek J.J.

Mycorrhiza. 2011 January; 21

Voicu M.C., Zwiazek J.J.

Trees - Structure and Function. 2011 January; 25

Lee SH; Chung, GC; Zwiazek, JJ

Plant Science. 2009 January; 176

Calvo Polanco, M; Jones, MD; Zwiazek, JJ.

Acta Physiologiae Plantarum. 2009 January; 31

Calvo Polanco, M; Zwiazek JJ; Jones, MD; MacKinnon, MD

Physiologia Plantarum. 2009 January; 135

Voicu, MC; Cooke, JK; Zwiazek, JJ

Journal of Experimental Botany. 2009 January; 60

Apostol, K.G. & Zwiazek, J.J.

Trees: Structure and Function. 2003 January; 17

Islam, A., Macdonald, S.E. & Zwiazek, J.J.

Tree Physiology. 2003 January; 23

Kamaluddin, M. & Zwiazek, J.J.

Physiologia Plantarum. 2003 January; 117

Siemens, J.A. & Zwiazek, J.J.

Plant Science. 2003 January; 165

Redfield, E., Croser, C., Zwiazek, J.J., MacKinnon, M.D. & Qualizza, C.

Journal of Environmental Quality. 2003 January; 32