Katie Brubacher, PhD, MA, BEd, BA

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education - Elementary Education

Pronouns: she, her, hers


Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education - Elementary Education


Area of Study / Keywords

Elementary Education Translanguaging Emotion Newcomers with emerging print literacy Multiliteracies


Katie holds degrees in education from the University of Toronto and an undergraduate degree in English literature from the University of Waterloo. Her research interests include the experiences of multilingual newcomers in elementary schools especially those who arrive in Grades 4 to 6 not having learned about print literacy in any language. Approaching research from a humanizing perspective where participants are included in the research process is of particular interest to Katie. She has been a teacher for almost twenty years, mostly with multilingual elementary students in Ontario schools but also at the secondary level in England.


EDEL 408 - Writing in the Elementary School

Topics include the development of children's writing abilities, the nature of the writing process, organizing an environment for instruction in writing, teaching strategies, the reading-writing connection, writing across the curriculum, and the assessment of writing. Prerequisite: An introductory curriculum and instruction course in language learning; or consent of Department.

EDEL 409 - Teaching Literature in Elementary Schools

Topics include an exploration of the various genres of children's literature, authors and illustrators, strategies for planning and implementing a literature-based program across the elementary curriculum, response activities, and resources for teaching. Prerequisite: An introductory curriculum and instruction course in language learning; or consent of Department.

EDU 595 - Special Topics in Educational Theory and Practice

Content varies from term to term. Topics announced prior to registration period. The student's transcript carries title descriptive of content. May be repeated. Sections may be offered at an increased rate of fee assessment, refer to the Fees Payment Guide in the University Regulations and Information for Students section of the Calendar.

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Featured Publications

Katie Brubacher

Journal of Language, Identity & Education. 2023 October; 10.1080/15348458.2023.2257793

Jeff Bale, Shakina Rajendram, Katie Brubacher, Mama Adobea Nii Owoo, Jennifer Burton, Wales Wong, Yiran Zhang, Elizabeth Jean Larson, Antoinette Gagné, Julie Kerekes

Multilingual Matters. 2023 September;

Antoinette Gagné; Jeff Bale; Julie Kerekes; Shakina Rajendram; Mama Adobea Nii Owoo; Katie Brubacher; Jennifer Burton; Elizabeth Jeanne Larson; Wales Wong; Yiran Zhang

OLBI Journal. 2022 December; 12

Katie Brubacher

Language and Literacy/Langue et littératie. 2022 September; 24 (2):133-152.

Katie Brubacher

CJNSE. 2019 May; 10 (1):19-27

Katie Brubacher

TESL Canada Journal. 2013 October; 30 (2):18 - 35

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