Kevin Haggerty, PhD University of British Columbia

Professor, Faculty of Arts - Sociology Dept


Professor, Faculty of Arts - Sociology Dept
(780) 492-3297
6-26 Tory (H.M.) Building
11211 Saskatchewan Drive NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2H4


Area of Study / Keywords

Criminal Justice Criminology Governance Opioid Use Penology Policing Prisons Research Ethics Risk Management Security Studies Sociology Surveillance Studies


Kevin Haggerty is interim chair of and a professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of Alberta. He holds a bachelor’s degree in law from Carleton University, a master’s degree in criminology from the University of Toronto, and a doctoral degree in sociology from the University of British Columbia.

Haggerty’s early aspirations to become a police officer quickly transformed into a passion for researching policing and criminal justice. A ground-breaking social scientist, his research interests include policing, surveillance, and risk management. Currently, Haggerty and fellow sociology professor Sandra Bucerius are co-principal investigators of the mixed-methods University of Alberta Prison Project (UAPP) which brings the issue of victim–offender overlap to the foreground by studying how gender, gangs, drugs, race-relations, administrative segregation, and the opioid crisis behind bars interact to affect individuals who are incarcerated.

An influential criminologist and scholar, Haggerty is a Killam Research Laureate, a Tier I Canada Research Chair and was executive editor of the Canadian Journal of Sociology from 2007 to 2023. He has received numerous accolades for his dedication to research and teaching. In 2014, he was awarded the Faculty of Arts Graduate Teaching Award, the Faculty of Arts Award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching and Mentorship, and the Killam Research Fellowship. In 2015, he was the recipient of the Faculty of Arts Research Award for Full Professors as well as the Killam Award for Excellence in Mentoring.

Haggerty is committed to furthering research in his discipline, serving as a member of the Canadian Research Network on Terrorism, Security and Society (TSAS); the Canadian Research Initiative on Substance Misuse (CRISM); and an executive member of the Canadian Society for Evidence-Based Policing.


Selected Research

Recent Journal Articles

  • Bucerius, S. M., Krahn, H., Haggerty, K., Berardi, L., & McNeilly, R. (2023). Policing the Overdose Crisis. Kriminologisches Journal, 55(3), 180.

  • Ifeonu, C., Haggerty, K. D., & Bucerius, S. M. (2023). Calories, Commerce, and Culture: The Multiple Valuations of Food in Prison. Punishment & Society, 25(3), 665–682.

  • Giffin, L., Berardi, L., Bucerius, S., & Haggerty, K. (2023). Sticking Points: Incarcerated Women’s Views on Barriers to a Prison Needle Exchange Program. Incarceration, 4, 1–21.

  • McDonald, A. D., Berardi, L., Tetrault, J. E. C., Haggerty, K. D., & Bucerius, S. M. (2023). More of the Same, Only Worse: COVID-19 and the Administrative Burdens Facing Loved Ones of Incarcerated Men. British Journal of Criminology, 63(2), 444–460.

  • Bucerius, S. M., Haggerty, K. D., & Schultz, W. (2023). “That Shit Doesn't Fly”: Subcultural Constraints on Prison Radicalization. Criminology, 61(1), 157–181.

  • Bucerius, S., Haggerty, K. D., & Berardi, L. (2023). The Everyday Life of Drugs in Prison. Crime & Justice, 52(1), 83–123.

  • Schultz, W. J., Bucerius, S. M., & Haggerty, K. D. (2023). “I Have To Be A Man For My Son”: The Narrative Uses of Fatherhood in Prison. Punishment and Society, 25(1), 162–180.

  • Haggerty, K.D., &. Bucerius, S.M. (2020). “The Proliferating Pains of Imprisonment.” Incarceration 1(1). 1-16.


  • Haggerty, K. D. (2015). 57 Ways to Screw Up in Grad School: Perverse Professional Lessons for Graduate Students (A. Doyle, Ed.). The University of Chicago Press.

  • Haggerty, K. D. (2001). Making Crime Count. University of Toronto Press.

  • Ericson, R. V., & Haggerty, K. D. (1997). Policing the Risk Society. University of Toronto Press.

Edited Books

  • Bucerius, S. M., Haggerty, K. D., & Berardi, L. (Eds.). (2022). The Oxford Handbook of Ethnographies of Crime and Criminal Justice. Oxford University Press.

  • Bennett, C. J., Haggerty, K. D., Lyon, D., & Steeves, V. M. (Eds.). (2014). Transparent Lives : Surveillance in Canada. Athabasca University Press.

  • Ball, K., Haggerty, K. D., & Lyon, D. (Eds.). (2012). Routledge Handbook of Surveillance Studies. Routledge.

  • Bennett, C. J., & Haggerty, K. D. (2011). Security Games: Surveillance and Control at Mega-Events. Routledge.

  • Ericson, R. V., Haggerty, K. D., Doyle, A., & Chan, J. B. L. (2011). Crime, Institutional Knowledge and Power: The Rich Criminological Legacy of Richard Ericson. Ashgate.

  • Haggerty, K., & Samatas, M. (2010). Surveillance and Democracy. Routledge.

  • Haggerty, K. D., & Ericson, R. V. (Eds.). (200619). The New Politics of Surveillance and Visibility. University of Toronto Press.


SOC 420 - Topics in Criminal Justice

Prerequisite: SOC 225 or consent of instructor. Note: Consult the Department for any additional prerequisites. Course may be taken more than once if topic(s) vary.

Browse more courses taught by Kevin Haggerty

Scholarly Activities

Research - 57 Ways to Screw Up in Grad School

My co-authored (with Dr. Aaron Doyle) book 57 Ways to Screw Up in Graduate School (University of Chicago Press) offers a series of pragmatic lessons for the next generation of scholars on how to avoid common pitfalls in graduate school. 

Research - Ethics Creep

My article "Ethics Creep,' was one of the earliest interventions into what is now a vibrant critical literature reflecting on the difficulties posed by the research ethics process.

Research - Making Crime Count

My monograph, Making Crime Count, is an empirical analysis of the production of official crime statistics. It was a finalist for the Society for the Study of Social Problems Outstanding Scholarship Award. 

Research - Oxford University press Handbook on Ethnographies of Crime and Criminal Justice

Started: 2020

Edited by Sandra Bucerius, Kevin D. Haggerty and Luca Berardi

Research - Policing the Risk Society

Policing the Risk Society (co-authored with Richard Ericson) this monograph was awarded special recognition by the American Law and Society Association. It is one of the most cited academic book on the police published in the past 20 years. It has been cited over 2,000 times and was recently reviewed by Professor Pat O’Malley in the ‘classics of policing studies’ series in the journal Policing & Society. 

Research - Routledge Handbook of Surveillance Studies

The Routledge Handbook of Surveillance Studies (co-edited with Kirstie Ball and David Lyon –2002). With contributions by 40 key figures and coming in at 250,000 words of text, this is the definitive resource in the field of Surveillance Studies.

Research - Surveillant Assemblage

The article ‘The Surveillant Assemblage’ (co-authored with Richard Ericson) is a theoretical contribution to the study of surveillance. It is widely reprinted, and with over 1,800 citations it is by far the most cited article in the field of Surveillance Studies.

Research - The Intersecting Institutions of Criminal Justice & Injustice

2022-08-04 to 2027-08-25

Over the past three years, shocking incidents in Canada and the United States have made front-page news out of long-simmering concerns about the criminal justice system (CJS) relating to police violence, the pains of imprisonment, gendered victimization, and intrusive surveillance. It is also the case that, unlike any moment in recent history, key criminal justice officials appear to be paying serious attention to these issues and are open to meaningful, evidence-based change. My research is concerned to understand the human and organizational factors that perpetuate these patterns of marginalization and the experiences of individuals caught up in the CJS

Research - University of Alberta Prison Project

Co-director (with Dr. Sandra Bucerius) of the University of Alberta Prison Project. This is the largest independent empirical study on lives of incarcerated men and women in the history of Canadian criminology 

Featured Publications

"I'm in a Federal Prison, and I've Never Felt More Free

Bucerius, S., Berardi, L. and K. Haggerty

The Society of Captives Revisited, edited by B. Crewe, M. Halsey & A. Goldsmith. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2022 August;

Calories, Commerce, and Culture: The Multiple Valuations of Food in Prison

Ifeonu, Prof-Collins, Haggerty, K.D. & Bucerius, S.

Punishment & Society. 2022 June;

More of the Same, Only Worse: COVID-19 and the Administrative Burdens Facing Loved Ones of Incarcerated Men

McDonald, A., Berardi, L., Haggerty, K.D., Bucerius, S., and Tetrault T

British Journal of Criminology. 2022 May;

The Oxford University Press Handbook of Ethnographies of Crime and Criminal Justice

Bucerius, Sandra, Kevin D. Haggerty and Luca Berardi eds

Oxford . 2022 March;

Haggerty, Kevin, Sandra Bucerius, Luca Berardi

Oxford University Press Handbook of Ethnographies of Crime and Criminal Justice. 2022 January;

Haggerty, Kevin

Oxford University Press Handbook of Ethnographies on Crime & Criminal Justice. 2022 January;

Bucerius, Sandra, Kevin D. Haggerty, Luca Berardi (eds)

Oxford. 2022 January;

Prison culture contra radicalization: prison subcultures and ideological group membership

Bucerius, Sandra; Kevin D. Haggerty; William Schultz

Criminology. 2022 January; Forthcoming

New drugs, new fears: synthetic opioids and adaptations to police practice.

Bucerius, Sandra; Luca Berardi, Kevin D. Haggerty, Harvey Krahn

Policing & Society. 2021 December;

China's Response to the COVID 19 Pandemic: Surveillance and Autonomy

Cassiano, Marcella; Ausma Bernotait; Kevin D. Haggerty

Surveillance & Society. 2021 September; 19 (1):94-97

Narcan and Narcan’t: Implementation Factors Influencing Police Officer Use of Narcan

Berardi, Luca; Sandra Bucerius, Kevin D. Haggerty, Harvey Krahn

Social Science and Medicine. 2021 June; 270 (Forthcoming)

I have to be a Man for my Son: The narrative uses of fatherhood in prison

Schultz, William, Sandra M. Bucerius, Kevin D. Haggerty

Punishment and Society. 2021 May;

Addressing the Victim/Offender Overlap: Advancing Evidence-Based Research to Better Service Criminally Involved People with Victimization Histories

Jones, Daniel, Sandra Bucerius, Ashly Kohl, Kevin D. Haggerty

Victims & Offenders. 2020 December;

Picking Battles: Correctional Officers, Rules, and discretion in Prison

Haggerty, Kevin D., Sandra Bucerius

Criminology. 2020 October;

Prison as Temporary Refuge: Amplifying the Voices of Women Detained in Prison

Bucerius, Sandra, Kevin D. Haggerty, Tyler Dunford

British Journal of Criminology. 2020 October;

Haggerty, Kevin and Sandra Bucerius

Incarceration. 2020 July; 1 (1)

The Floating Signifier of 'Radicalization': Correctional Officers’ Perceptions of Prison Radicalization

Schultz, William, Sandra Bucerius, Kevin D. Haggerty

Criminal Justice and Behavior. 2020 February; 48 (6):828-845

Schultz, William, Sandra M. Bucerius, and Kevin D. Haggerty

Sociology of Crime, Law, and Deviance. 2020 January; 25

Jones, D., Bucerius, S., & Haggerty, K. D.

Journal of Community Safety and Well-Being. 2019 January; 4 (3)

Kevin Haggerty, Sandra Bucerius

Terrorism and Political Violence. 2018 January;

Sandra Bucerius and Kevin D. Haggerty

International Journal of Drug Policy. Forthcoming

Tetrault, J., Bucerius, S., Haggerty, K. D


Marta Urbanik, Kevin D. Haggerty

British Journal of Criminology. 58 (6):1343-1360