Kierstin Hatt, PhD, MA, BA
Associate Professor, Retired, Augustana - Social Sciences
I'm an interdisciplinary academic, a participatory action researcher, a clinician, a policy analyst, an advocate and an activist. My primary research areas relate to food systems, and to autism (and in particular service funding policies). Sometimes I do one of these at a time, but more often these converge into a range of creative ventures. I also enjoy Crossfit, knitting, quilting, kayaking, foodie things, learning languages and travel.
Academic Degrees
Ph.D., Sociology, McGill University, 2001
M.A., International Development Studies, Saint Mary’s University Halifax, 1993
B.A., Psychology, Carleton University, 1991
Clinical certification, training and areas of expertise
- Disability and Community Studies Diploma (all but practicum), Douglas College
- Relationship Development Intervention (RDI)
- ABA-IBI Applied Behaviour Analysis, University of North Texas
- Integrated Listening System (iLs) and Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP)
- Fast ForWord and Clear Fluency by Carnegie Learning
Appeal Wins against the Family Support for Children with Disabilities (FSCD) Program, Alberta Department of Children's Services.
- FSCD Appeal in favour of funding GFCF diet, 2010
- FSCD Appeal in favour of funding GFCF diet, 2009
- FSCD Appeal in favour of funding Relationship Development Intervention (RDI), May, 2007
- FSCD Appeal in favour of funding Relationship Development Intervention (RDI), June, 2007
• Introducing Sociology: Principles and Practice (AUSOC 101): Sociological concepts, theories and perspectives support the development of a "sociological imagination", which enables insight into society, social issues and taken-for-granted life experiences.
• Social Anthropology (AUSOC 105): Human cultural diversity, including our similarities and differences, provides a fresh backdrop for understanding our own lives, culture, and the issues that face humanity.
• Sociology of Global and Development Issues (AUSOC 218): Having information and analytical tools for a multi-perspective understanding of key development and global issues, enables engagement into complex issues both in the 'Third World', and within the Canadian context.
• Canadian Social Issues (AUSOC/AUCRI 222): Being familiar with diverse perspectives about a range of social issues increases our insight, compassion, and effectiveness to engage with the issues we face in society.
• Sex, Gender and Society (AUSOC 275): Sex, gender and sexualities present strong socio-cultural patterns, yet their existence, functioning and diversity are often invisible, ignored, marginalized or denied. These issues and perspectives provide insight into identities, relationships, and institutions, and they also support equality and social justice.
• Sociology of Food (AUSOC 341): Identification of the socio-cultural patterns shaping the food systems offers a critical understanding about different approaches to eating and engaging the food system.
• Environmental Sociology (AUSOC/AUENV 358): The social and the ecological worlds are inseparable. Understanding their particular and interconnected dynamics is required for social change to address critical social and ecological issues, and for achieving social and ecological sustainability.
• Theoretical Approaches to Gender (AUSOC 377): Feminist theoretical perspectives generate diverse analytical insights for a range of issues relating to gender, and support engagement as reflexive transformative knowledge.
• Social Change from Development to Globalization (AUSOC 391): Understanding the patterns associated with development and globalization, beyond the mainstream, offers access to the implications of social change for peoples and cultures around the globe, including our own.
Retired, effective January 1, 2024.