Kathleen Lowrey, PhD University of Chicago, MA University of Chicago, BSc University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Associate Professor, Faculty of Arts - Anthropology Dept

Pronouns: https://fairplayforwomen.com/pronouns


Associate Professor, Faculty of Arts - Anthropology Dept
(780) 492-2514
14-23 Tory (H.M.) Building
11211 Saskatchewan Drive NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2H4


Area of Study / Keywords

Lowland South American anthropology; Gran Chaco; ethnohistory; shamanism; the anthropology of women


Three of my most recent podcast appearances can be found here, here, and here.

Three recent media essays I have published appear here, here, and here.


I am gradually uploading all of my published scholarly articles to Zenodo, which is free to join.  

I am currently at work on a new book that asks why the anthropology of women has over the past several decades systematically been replaced by putatively feminist anthropologies of everything but women: genders, bodies, species, and ontologies. I speak about this work in progress here.

My 2020 book, Shamanism and Vulnerability on the North and South American Great Plains, addresses the fact that Indigenous shamanism in the Americas has often been treated as a technology predicated on predatory masculine power rather than as a relational practice predicated on the shared vulnerability of women, men, families and communities.  


Anthropology 101 Introduction to Anthropology

Anthropology 207 Introduction to Sociocultural Anthropology

Anthropology 235 Anthropology of Disability 

Anthropology 286 Indigenous South America

Anthropology 324 Economic Anthropology

Anthropology 332 Anthropology of Science

Anthropology 350 Kinship and Social Organization

Anthropology 420 / 520 Anthropology and the Twentieth Century

Anthropology 487 / 587 Anthropology of Women


ANTHR 235 - Anthropology of Disability

Cultural variations in experiences and understandings of disability, as well as anthropological ways of analyzing and discussing disability. Offered in alternate years.

ANTHR 286 - Topics in Regional Anthropology

Consult the Department and/or the schedule of classes for the specific topics offered. Variable content course which may be repeated if topic(s) vary.

ANTHR 324 - Economic Anthropology

Introduction to the literature and controversies within the field, emphasizing systems of exchange. Offered in alternate years.

ANTHR 350 - Kinship and Social Structure

Anthropological approaches to kinship systems and other concepts of social organization, emphasizing non-western societies. Offered in alternate years.

ANTHR 420 - Anthropology and the Twentieth Century

The relationship between the development of anthropological theory across the twentieth century and the emergence of new social movement organized around anti-colonialism, anti-racism, feminism, ethnicity, the environment, gender, sexuality, disability, and identity. Prerequisite: ANTHR 207 (or ANTHE 207) or consent of Department. Offered in alternate years.

ANTHR 520 - Anthropology and the Twentieth Century

The relationship between the development of anthropological theory across the twentieth century and the emergence of new social movements organized around anti-colonialism, anti-racism, feminism, ethnicity, the environment, gender, sexuality, disability, and identity. Offered in alternate years.

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