Richard Kover
ATS Assistant Lecturer, Faculty of Arts - Psychology Dept
PHIL 359 - Topics in Christian Philosophy
PHIL 366 - Computers and Culture
Cultural, social, ethical and political issues arising from the computer revolution and new digital technologies.
PSYCH 436 - Psychology of Self-Estrangement
Basic description of self-deception and self-estrangement in psychoanalytic and existential humanistic theories. Discussion of basic determinants of self-deception and, alternatively, self-awareness, as well as considerations of the methods of inquiry appropriate to the area. Prerequisite: One of PSYCH 223, 233, 241, 333, or 341. [Faculty of Arts]
PSYCH 495 - Psychology of Aesthetics
An introduction to the psychological analysis of response to art. Consideration is both theoretical and empirical. Illustrative materials are drawn from several arts, including painting, sculpture and literature. The contribution of aesthetic behavior to personality development is considered. Prerequisites: One of PSYCH 223, 239 or 241. [Faculty of Arts]
STS 200 - Introduction to Studies in Science, Technology and Society
An examination of the interrelations of science, technology, society and environment, emphasizing an interdisciplinary humanities and social sciences perspective. Note: not to be taken by students with credit in INT D 200.
Featured Publications
T.R. Kover
New York. 2019 June; The Discourse and Rhetoric of Oil in the Twenty-First Century
"Of Killer Apes and Tender Carnivores: A Shepardian Critique of Burkert and Girard on Hunting and the Evolution of Religion"
T.R. Kover
2018 December; Studies in Religion
"Are the Oil Sands Sublime? Edward Burtynsky and the Vicissitudes of the Sublime"
T.R. Kover
Toronto. 2014 May; Found in Alberta: Environmental Themes for the Anthropocene
New York. 2010 December; Hunting - Philosophy for Everyone
T.R. Kover
Ethical Perspectives . 2007 December; 14 (No.4):431-456