Kim Solez

Professor, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Laboratory Medicine & Pathology Dept


Professor, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Laboratory Medicine & Pathology Dept
(780) 407-2607
Mackenzie Health Science Centre
8440 - 112 St
Edmonton AB
T6G 2B7


Area of Study / Keywords

pathology central slide review transplantation transplant pathology Renal pathology cyberNephrology cyberMedicine artificial intelligence artificial general intelligence. coevolution of humans and machines toward a utopian outcome with human-machine cooperation


Wikipedia page:

Recent Faculty of Medicine article about me:

The Kim Solez YouTube playlist "History and Future of the Banff Classification" now has 127 videos with closed captions: We encourage you to subscribe to the YouTube channel . (1,060 subscribers, 202,700 views)

See also

Here is video history of the Banff Classification: 

See also Central repository for Banff 2019 Classification Content:

The 158-slide PowerPoint slide show playing on the wall screen in office 5B2.22 WCM HSC "384 Years of the Banff Spirit" It updates as my life evolves. The graphic from slide 1 is modified from a paper which appeared in the December 2017 issue of Transplantation Proceedings: Acceptance of Gold Medal from the Catalan Society of  Transplantation by Drs. Lorraine Racusen and Kim Solez With Remarks on the Banff Meeting Spirit

Interview from the medical journal Transplantation,_Edmonton,_Alberta,_Canada_Banff___A.4.aspx Kim Solez, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Banff: A Unique Start Setting Standards for Consensus Conferences

Four other playlists have recently been added to the YouTube channel:  Cirque du Solez videos (151 videos) ,and Human Cell Atlas Project videos (18 videos), The Future and All That Jazz videos (30 videos) Nephrology Pioneers (91 videos) and ISN Video Legacy Project videos (189 videos). 

There is a new book chapter describing cyberNephrology the room (5B3.09 WCM HSC) and the initiative .


Clinical Interests

My clinical interests are renal and transplant pathology, application of artificial intelligence to medicine, digital pathology, consensus generation in medicine, regenerative medicine, tissue engineering pathology, quantum biology, quantum supremacy, and the human cell atlas project.



Dr. Solez's current research relates to the new discipline of tissue engineering pathology and regenerative medicine as an outgrowth of his more than quarter century involvement with the creation and development of the Banff Classification of Allograft Pathology. Here is a current abstract:

Title: The bridge between transplantation and regenerative medicine: Beginning a new Banff classification of tissue engineering pathology. 

Background: Although science of regenerative medicine is arguably older than transplantation - the first major textbook was published in 1901 - and a major regenerative medicine meeting took place in 1988 - three years before the first Banff meeting - the subject of regenerative medicine/tissue engineering pathology has never been given focused attention. Depending on one's vantage point and organ orientation regenerative medicine has been in mainstream clinical practice for more than 20 years, is right around the corner, or will occur within our lifetime. Any way you look at it providing a framework for defining and classifying tissue engineering pathology is long overdue. Methods:In the next decades, the field of transplantation will enlarge at least tenfold, through tissue engineering approaches. Transplantation pathologists will become tissue-(re-)engineering pathologists. Results: The literature on pathological reaction to scaffolds began in 1967 but it is only in recent years that a new consequential discipline of tissue engineering pathology has begun. This discipline could benefit from a Banff Classification of tissue engineering pathology as an addition to the Banff Classification of allograft pathology which still has substantial publishing activity.  Bioengineered liver organoids are likely to be FDA approved in 2019, with other advances to follow soon after.  We propose starting the creation of a classification of tissue engineering pathology now with interdisciplinary consensus discussions to further develop and finalize the classification at the 2019, 2021, and 2023 Banff Transplant Pathology meetings, in collaboration with the human cell atlas project. The ultimate aim would be to assure the safety and efficacy of bioengineered tissues and organs and to extend tissue engineering transplantation to everyone in need. Conclusion: Ways of categorizing abnormalities in tissue-engineered organs are suggested. Traditional light microscopy is just one of several modalities of examination likely to be employed in this new discipline. 


Edmonton Journal article about Technology and Future of Medicine LABMP 590 course

Winter 2015 issue of alumni magazine New Trail "The Future of Everything" themed around LABMP 590 course. In 2016 New Trail was named Alberta "magazine of the year" on the basis of this issue #9 bottom of list

The course website for LABMP 590 is

For student comments see and .

Descriptions of LABMP 590 on YouTube

Course website:

Teaching philosophy: 

We have made very substantial changes in the Technology and Future of Medicine course in the last year as a reaction to student feedback. The students felt that the midterm exam, the only exam in the course, could be longer and more detailed to better capture more of the course content. (We have made this change). They felt that more of the lectures should assume some knowledge of medicine. (We have increased the number of lectures assuming some knowledge of medicine from one to six.) They also felt that class attendance should be mandatory since the post lecture discussion is much better for the students if everyone is there. (We now allow only three unexcused absences before marks are subtracted.)

Peak Education and The Future and All That Jazz

We may think that all subjects of discourse are of equal value, you talk about what interests you, I talk about what interests me, but actually there are some ideas on which human survival depends and those are more important to keep in circulation. It is not a matter of everyone agreeing on these ideas, just the ideas themselves not being forgotten.

High impact education goes beyond just increasing the knowledge base of learners, it changes human behaviour. However the highest impact education - peak education - insures that humanity will survive into the future. Survival is the most important behaviour change education can bring about.  The use of music, poetry, and the sound bytes of modern life captures the imagination of the audience and assures these important messages "stick", that they are remembered and retrievable years later, so that when "push comes to shove" the facts and ideas are there to protect the us from extinction.
Two of the mainstream subjects of the Technology and Future of Medicine course LABMP 590, artificial intelligence safety and regenerative medicine/tissue engineering/bioengineered organs, are complex and multifaceted enough that most people would not sit still to listen to a lecture on them, and if they accidentally were subjected to a lecture they would quickly forget the main points. We have to not be afraid to incorporate entertainment into our education in order to create lasting impressions in these areas.The "oh yeah" music Singularity University used to bring us back into the room after breaks in teaching sessions is one example. This is not a bug, it is a feature of the successful future! Our Future and All That Jazz initiative does that.

Featured Publications

Hung W., Cusnir I., Habib S., Smylie M., Solez K., Yacyshyn E.

RHEUMATOLOGY. 2021 June; 60 (6):E190-E191 10.1093/rheumatology/keaa818