Kaitlyn Tate, PhD RN
/Kaitlyn Tate/
Pronouns: she/her; they/them
- Phone
- (780) 492-7953
Area of Study / Keywords
older adults; health system performance; transitions; knowledge synthesis; quantitative methods
My EnACT (Enhancing Aged Care Transitions) Quality research program focuses on improving health system performance related to older persons’ transitions across the care continuum. Specifically, through this program, I examine facilitators and barriers to improving and reducing older adults' transitions across the care continuum as well as how we monitor, evaluate and subsequently improve (or reduce) older persons' transitions using administrative health data. I have clinical experience as a Registered Nurse in long-term care, home care, acute psychiatry and emergency settings, and experience as a research analyst in government. I have expertise in knowledge synthesis and certain quantitative methods, and experience employing qualitative and mixed methods research approaches. I am also Co-Principal Investigator of the Connecting, Leadership, Education and Research (CLEAR) Outcomes program with Dr. Greta Cummings.
PhD (Nursing), University of Alberta (2022)
BScN (Honors), University of Alberta (2016)
Recent or Current Grants (as Principal Applicant or Co-applicant, by year)
2025-2028 CIHR Project Grant Fall 2024: Rooted in Home: Survey development and exploration of Métis perspectives on the care needs of older adults when aging in their communities. ($527,850 CAD) NPA: Tate, K. PKU: Bartel, R. PAs: Deschenes, S., Roach, P. Co-As: James, A., Hoben, M., McLane, P., Salma, J.
2025-2028 CIHR Project Grant Fall 2024: The Supporting Older Adults at Home (SOAH) Project: Examining the association of home health service activities with the risk of transition from home to facility-based continuing care settings. ($569,926 CAD). NPA: Tate, K. PA: Cummings, G. G., Hoben, M., Symonds-Brown, H. Co-As: Doupe, M. Co-KUs: Grabusic, C., Risling, E. Collaborator: Roy, L.
2024-2025 SSHRC SIG Funding: Experiences of Indigenous Peoples Transitioning Through Hospital Settings in North America: A Scoping Review. ($3,000 CAD). NPA: Tate, K.
2024-2025 Otipemisiwak Métis Government of the Métis Nation within Alberta (MNA): Home health factors influencing transitions from home to facility-cased continuing care settings for Métis older adults in Alberta. ($147,534.83 CAD). NPA: Tate, K. PKU: Bartel, R. PA: Deschenes, S. Co-As: James, A., Hoben, M., McLane, P.
2024-2027 CIHR Operating Grant: Evaluation of Dementia Programs, Services, & Care Models. Assessing the Impact of DAy programs on individuals living with Dementia and their family/friend Caregivers (AIDA-DemCare): A prospective, cross-provincial cohort study. ($750,000 CAD). NPA: Hoben, M., KU-PA: Ubell, A., PAs: Allana, S., Baumbusch, J., Doupe, M., Maxwell, C., Symonds-Brown, H., Co-As: Baarbe, J., Berta, W., Bethell, J., Caspar, S., Cummings, G., Daly, T., Ginsburg, L., Goodarzi, Z., Hogan, D., McGrail, K., Nguyen, H., Rahman, A., Tate, K., Wagg, A., Weeks, L., Collaborators: Ardern, C., Barrick, C., Bates, L., Beleno, R., Calbert, C., Cooke, H., Crawford, E., Ferguson, B., Harrison, J., Johnsson, K., Kay, K., Kostyk, P., Lazey, A., Lazaruk, K., Letassey, L., MacLean, B., Mann, J., McCracken, B., Morello, C., Peck, S., Prescott, K., Quinn-Humphrey, K., Reed, P., Resaul-Nowrattan, S., Rose, L., Rowe, M., Salt, J., Singh, M., Vatistas, A., Woo, L.
2023-2025 Otipemisiwak Métis Government of the Métis Nation within Alberta: Quality of care for Métis in Alberta emergency departments. ($313,310). NPA: McLane, P.; PKU: Bartel, R.; CAs: Barnabe, C.; Holroyd, B.; James, A.; Tate, K.; Roach, P.
2023-2024 CIHR Operating Grant: Brain Health and Reduction of Risk for Age-related Cognitive Impairment - Knowledge Synthesis and Mobilization Grants ($100,00 CAD). Adult DAy Programs and Their effects on individuals with Dementia and their Caregivers (ADAPT-DemCare): Developing program theories on the how and why. NPA: Hoben, M., PA: Goodarzi, Z., KU-PA: Ubell, A., Co-As: Allana, S., Baumbusch, J., Berta, W., Bethell, J., Caspar, S., Cummings, G., Daly, T., Doupe, M., Ginsburg, L., Hogan, D., Maxwell, C., McGrail, K., Nguyen, H., Symonds-Brown, H., Tate, K., Wagg, A., Weeks, L., Collaborators: Ardern, C., Barrick, C., Calbert, C., Crawford, E., Cureton, J., Delaney, N., Ferguson, B., Harrison, J., Johnsson, K., Kostyk, P., Lazaru, K., Letassey, L., MacLean, B., Mann, J., McCracken, B., Morello, C., Peck, S., Perry, J., Prescott, K., Quinn-Humphrey, K., Reid, P., Resaul-Nowrattan, S., Rose, L., Rowe, M., Salt, J., Singh, M., Vatistas, A., Woo, L.
2020-2025 CIHR Project Grant: Contextually appropriate nurse staffing models: A realist review. ($313,649 CAD) NPI: Cummings, G.G. Co-PIs: Tate, K., Raymond, C., Kitson, A., Harvey, G., Tod, A., Booth, A., Schoonhoven, L., Lalleman, P. Co-Is: Estabrooks, C., Doupe, M., Schultz, T., Ryan, T., Robertson, S., Hoben, M., Oostveen, C., Stalpers, D., Flynn, R., KU-Co-Is: Gordon, D., Chilton, S., Villeneuve, M., Hutchinson, A., Debbage, S., Jackson, W.
I am currently not accepting new students.
NURS 425A - Nursing Leadership in a Focus Area
This leadership experience provides opportunity to consolidate prior learning and develop confidence and competence as students prepare to transition to the role of the Registered Nurse. The focus is on collaboration with interprofessional teams, systems thinking, and healthcare system change. Students evaluate the influence of evidence, policy and legislation on decision-making in complex health systems using a relational practice lens. Students demonstrate and enhance their own relational capacity as leaders and innovators for 21st Century Canadian healthcare. Fieldwork hours listed are the total number of hours and will be offered over 12 weeks. Prerequisites: All courses in the program except NURS 422, INT D 420 and NURS 485. Corequisite: NURS 422 and INT D 420.
NURS 425B - Nursing Leadership in a Focus Area
This leadership experience provides opportunity to consolidate prior learning and develop confidence and competence as students prepare to transition to the role of the Registered Nurse. The focus is on collaboration with interprofessional teams, systems thinking, and healthcare system change. Students evaluate the influence of evidence, policy and legislation on decision-making in complex health systems using a relational practice lens. Students demonstrate and enhance their own relational capacity as leaders and innovators for 21st Century Canadian healthcare. Fieldwork hours listed are the total number of hours and will be offered over 12 weeks. Prerequisites: All courses in the program except NURS 422, INT D 420 and NURS 485. Corequisite: NURS 422 and INT D 420.
NURS 593 - Applied Inquiry I - Framing the Inquiry Focus
Engage in structured inquiry in relation to issues from health care and/or nursing practice. Emphasis is placed on exploring key elements of such issues, identifying knowledge gaps, and shaping current understanding in pursuit of questions and methods appropriate for systematic research and inquiry.
Featured Publications
Kaitlyn Tate, Greta Cummings, Frode Jacobsen, Gayle Halas, Graziella Van den Bergh, Rashmi Devkota, Shovana Shrestha, Malcolm Doupe
The Gerontologist. 2024 July; 10.1093/geront/gnae036
1. Cummings, G. G, Tate, K., Spiers, J., El-Bialy, R., McLane, P., Park, C. S., Penconek, T., Cummings, G. E., Robinson, C. A., Reid, C., Estabrooks, C. A., Rowe, B. H., Anderson, C.
Health Science Reports. 2024 June; E2204 10.1002/hsr2.2204
Tatiana Penconek, Kaitlyn Tate, Sarah A. Lartey, Dilsah Polat, Andrea Bernardes, Bruna Moreno Dias, Megan Nuspl, Greta G. Cummings
Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2024 May; 10.1111/jan.16227
Kaitlyn Tate, Tatiana Penconek, Andrew Booth, Gillian Harvey, Rachel Flynn, Pieterbas Lalleman, Inge Wolbers, Matthias Hoben, Carole A Estabrooks, Greta G Cummings
BMJ Open. 2024 May; 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-082883
Tate, K., Güney, S., Lai, C., Van Son, C., Kennedy, M., & Dahlke, S.
Nurse Education Today. 2024 February; 133 (106034) 10.1016/j.nedt.2023.106034
Kaitlyn Tate, Stephanie Bailey, Sadie Deschenes, Carmen Grabusic, Greta G Cummings
The Gerontologist. 2023 August; 10.1093/geront/gnac091
Kaitlyn Tate, Tatiana Penconek, Bruna Moreno Dias, Greta G. Cummings, Andrea Bernardes
Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2023 August; 10.1111/jan.15663
Tate, K., Hoben, M., Grabusic, C., Bailey, S., Cummings, G. G.
Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 2022 July; S1525-8610 (21):00598-3 10.1016/j.jamda.2021.06.027
Tate, K., McLane, P., Reid, R. C., Rowe, B. H., Estabrooks, C., Norton, P., Cummings, G. G.
BMJ Open Quality. 2022 March; 11 (1):e001639 10.1136/bmjoq-2021-001639
Tate, K., Lee, S., Rowe, B.H., Cummings, G.E., Holroyd-Leduc, J., Reid, R.C., El-Bialy, R., Bakal, J., Estabrooks, C.A., Anderson, C., Cummings, G. G.
Canadian Journal on Aging. 2022 March; 41 (1):1-15 10.1017/S0714980820000446
McLane, P., Tate, K., Reid, R. C., Rowe, B. H., Estabrooks, C. A., Cummings, G. G.
Canadian Journal on Aging. 2022 March; 41 (1):15-25 10.1017/S0714980821000039
Iaconi, A. A., Duan, Y., Tate, K., Penconcek, T., Cummings, G. G., Norton, P., Estabrooks, C. A.
Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 2021 November; 3 (12):e2029121 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.29121
Tate, K., Reid, R. C., McLane, P., Cummings, G. E., Rowe, B. H., Estabrooks, C. A., Norton, P., Lee, J. S., Wagg, A., Robinson, C., Cummings, G. G.
Journal of Applied Gerontology. 2021 October; 40 (10):1215-1225 10.1177/0733464820962638
Deschenes, S., Tate, K., Scott, S. D., Kunyk, D.
International Journal of Nursing Studies. 2021 October; 122 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2021.104035
Penconek, T., Tate, K., Bernardes, A., Lee S., Macaroni, S. P. M., Balsanelli, A. P., de Moura, A. A., Cummings, G. G.
International Journal of Nursing Studies. 2021 June; 118 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2021.103906
Tate, K., Spiers, J., El-Bialy, R., & Cummings, G. G.
Journal of Applied Gerontology. 2020 August; 39 (8):846-854 10.1177/0733464818779936
Schick-Makaroff, K., Tate, K., & Molzahn, A.
Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease. 2019 September; 6 10.1177/2054358119879451
Tate, K., Hewko, S., McLane, P., Baxter, P., Perry, K., Armijo-Olivo, S.,…Cummings, G. G.
Journal of Health Services Research & Policy. 2019 January; 24 (1):57-70 10.1177/1355819618786764
Cummings, G. G., Tate, K., Lee, S., Wong, C. A., Paananen, T., Micaroni, S. P., Chatterjee, G. E.
International Journal of Nursing Studies. 2018 September; 85 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2018.04.016
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