Lise Gotell, PhD Political Science, York University

Professor, Faculty of Arts - Womens & Gender Studies


Professor, Faculty of Arts - Womens & Gender Studies
3-51 Assiniboia Hall
9137 116 St NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2E7


GSJ 501 - Social Justice Workshop

Advanced study of theories of social justice. Students will complete 20 hours of Community Service-Learning (CSL) and reflect on how their CSL experiences were informed by or challenged the theoretical material explored in the course.

GSJ 520 - Law and Feminism in Canada

A focus on the fundamentally contradictory role of law for women in Canada, building on the insights offered by feminist cross-disciplinary legal scholarship. (Not open to students with credit in WGS 420.)

GSJ 531 - Feminism and Sexual Assault

Interdisciplinary consideration of conceptual, political, and legal strategies that feminists have deployed to confront sexual coercion with an emphasis on the contemporary North American context. (Not open to students with credit in WGS 431.)

GSJ 900 - Directed Research Project

Capping project.

WGS 230 - Consent

An interdisciplinary exploration of the concept of sexual consent. Topics covered may include: the role of sexual violence in colonization, feminist law reform, unwanted sex, sexual agency, sexual fraud, and the limitations of consent- based prevention.

WGS 420 - Law and Feminism in Canada

A focus on the fundamentally contradictory role of law for women in Canada, building upon role of insights offered by feminist cross-disciplinary legal scholarship. Prerequisite: Any 100 or 200 level WGS course, or departmental consent.

WGS 431 - Feminism and Sexual Assault

Interdisciplinary consideration of conceptual, political and legal strategies that feminists have deployed to confront sexual coercion with an emphasis on contemporary North American context. Prerequisite: Any 100 or 200 level WGS course, or departmental consent.

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