Lise Gotell, PhD Political Science, York University

Professor, Faculty of Arts - Womens & Gender Studies


Professor, Faculty of Arts - Womens & Gender Studies
3-51 Assiniboia Hall
9137 116 St NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2E7


GSJ 520 - Law and Feminism in Canada

A focus on the fundamentally contradictory role of law for women in Canada, building on the insights offered by feminist cross-disciplinary legal scholarship. (Not open to students with credit in WGS 420.)

WGS 230 - Consent

An interdisciplinary exploration of the concept of sexual consent. Topics covered may include: the role of sexual violence in colonization, feminist law reform, unwanted sex, sexual agency, sexual fraud, and the limitations of consent- based prevention.

WGS 420 - Law and Feminism in Canada

A focus on the fundamentally contradictory role of law for women in Canada, building upon role of insights offered by feminist cross-disciplinary legal scholarship. Prerequisite: Any 100 or 200 level WGS course, or departmental consent.

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