Lesley Hodge, RN, BScN, MN, PhD student

Assistant Teaching Professor, Faculty of Nursing

Pronouns: She/Her


Assistant Teaching Professor, Faculty of Nursing
4-168 Edmonton Clinic Health Academy
11405 87 Ave NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 1C9



I wear two hats within the Faculty of Nursing: Assistant Teaching Professor and PhD student. I am actively teaching community clinical practice and working on my dissertation at the intersection of community-based participatory research (CBPR), climate change, and Canada. I love to write and share ideas, and my favourite piece so far is also my most recent: Critical posthumanism: A double-edged sword for advancing nursing knowledge in planetary health (featured below).


NURS 323 - Community Nursing through the Lifespan

The course covers theories, ethics and evidence-informed approaches to community health nursing including primary health care, population health, health maintenance and promotion, and disease and injury prevention. It includes exploration of concepts of community- based assessment, planning, intervention and evaluation with community-as-client. The practicum portion of the course includes a variety of community settings. Nursing practice will include health assessment and interventions for clients throughout the lifespan and care continuum. Clinical hours listed are the total number of hours and will be offered over 3 weeks. Note: Available only to nursing students in the Collaborative/Honors Program or Bilingual Program. Prerequisites: NURS 216, NURS 224, and NURS 225.

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Featured Publications

Hodge, L. & Olson, J.

Nurs Inquiry . 2024 October; 10.1111/nin.12677

Hodge, L., Bucalo, B., Ritz, H., Sampson, T., Song, C., Suh, E., Tang, J., Varghese, S., Warren, T., & Yeske, K.

Journal of American College Health. 2024 March; 10.1080/07448481.2024.2308259

Hodge, L., & Raymond, C.

Nursing Inquiry. 2023 January; 10.1111/nin.12511

Hodge, L., Mayan, M., Lo, S., Richter, S., Drummond, D.

Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship. 2020 July; 12 (2) 10.54656/PRYA9329

Hodge, L., Mayan, M., Lo, S., Richter, S., & Drummond, J.

Collaborations: A Journal of Community-Based Research and Practice. 2020 May; 3 (1) 10.33596/coll.39

Scott, S.D., Archibald, M., Pullishy, L. & Chambers, T.

Springer. 2016 October; 10.1007/978-1-4939-2920-7_16

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