Mazzen Black

Grad Research Asst Fellowship, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Biochemistry Dept


Grad Research Asst Fellowship, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Biochemistry Dept


BIOCH 310 - Bioenergetics and Metabolism

This course is designed to enable rigorous study of the molecular mechanisms in bioenergetics and metabolism. It covers: the principles of bioenergetics; the reactions and pathways of carbohydrate, lipid, and nitrogen metabolism, and their regulation; oxidative phosphorylation; the integration and hormonal regulation of mammalian metabolism. Prerequisites: BIOCH 200, CHEM 102 (or SCI 100) and CHEM 263 with a minimum GPA of 2.70 for these three courses. In the case of over-subscription, preference will be given to students enrolled in programs with a requirement for this course.

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