Marina Blekher
Full Teaching Professor, Faculty of Arts - Linguistics Dept
Full Teaching Professor, Faculty of Arts - Linguistics Dept
- Phone
- (780) 492-4970
- Address
4-43 Assiniboia Hall
9137 116 St NWEdmonton ABT6G 2E7
LING 101 - Introduction to Linguistic Analysis
Central concepts of linguistics: linguistic categories and structure (phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics). Note: May not be taken by students with credit in LING 111.
LING 204 - Syntax of the World's Languages
Exploration of morphological and syntactic phenomena found in English and other languages of the world. Prerequisite: LING 101.
LING 320 - Second Language Acquisition
Application of linguistics to theoretical issues in second-language acquisition: properties of language, problems of languages in contact, psycholinguistic aspects of bilingualism. Prerequisite: LING 101. Recommended: LING 204.
LING 405 - Historical Linguistics
Principles and methods in the study of language change. Prerequisite: LING 310. Not offered every year.