Marilyn Dumont, BA, MFA

Professor, Faculty of Arts - English & Film Studies Dept


Professor, Faculty of Arts - English & Film Studies Dept
3-27 Humanities Centre
11121 Saskatchewan Drive NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2H5



Poet, writer, and professor Marilyn Dumont.

She is grateful to live and work in the territory of her ancestors: the Cree/Métis: Dufresne/Vaness and Dumont/ Boudreau/ Poitras kinship lines. Marilyn earned her BA from the University of Alberta and MFA from the University of British Columbia.  She freelanced for twenty years before taking on a professorship with the Faculty of Native Studies and the Department of English and Film Studies at the University of Alberta in 2016.

I have worked with students at the masters and doctorate level in the completion of creative theses.  I am particularly interested in supervising students who are interested in studying Metis Literature, Indigenous women's poetry pre-1985, Indigenous women's poetry.

Book Awards:

Her first collection of poetry, A Really Good Brown Girl (1996), won the 1997 Gerald Lampert Memorial Award from the League of Canadian Poets. This collection is in its fifteenth printing and a classic of Brick Books. Other collections include green girl dreams Mountains (2001- winner of the Stephan G. Stephansson Award for that year); that tongued belonging (2007), winner of the McNally Robinson Aboriginal Book of the Year and Aboriginal Poetry Book of the Year; and The Pemmican Eaters (2015), which won the 2016 Writers’ Guild of Alberta’s Stephan G. Stephansson Award.  

Other Awards

2018, awarded a Lifetime Membership from the League of Canadian Poets for her contributions to poetry in Canada.

2019 awarded the University of Alberta, Distinguished Alumni Award

2019, awarded the Alberta Lieutenant Governor’s Distinguished Artist Award.


ENGL 307 - Métis Literature

Studies of the contributions of Métis writers to the formation of their intellectual and community traditions. Prerequisite: 6 units of junior ENGL, or 3 units of junior ENGL and 3 units of junior WRS.

NS 280 - Selected Topics in Indigenous Studies

WRITE 294 - Introduction to Writing Poetry

Lectures and workshops in which the student will practice the art of poetry.

WRITE 392 - Intermediate Poetry

Lectures and workshops focusing on selected poetic technique and form. Prerequisite: WRITE 294 unless waived by Instructor; a minimum grade of B+ in the prerequisite course is strongly recommended.

WRITE 494 - Advanced Creative Writing: Poetry

Prerequisite: WRITE 392 or WRITE 394 unless waived by Instructor; a minimum grade of B+ in the prerequisite course is strongly recommended.

Browse more courses taught by Marilyn Dumont

Scholarly Activities

Research - Metis Kinscapes

Featured Publications

South Side of a Kinless River

Marilyn Dumont

London, ON. 2024 September;

Marilyn Dumont

2015 January;

Marilyn Dumont

2015 January;

Marilyn Dumont

2015 January;

Marilyn Dumont

2015 January;

Marilyn Dumont

2007 January;

Marilyn Dumont

2007 January;

Marilyn Dumont

ARC Poetry Magazine. 79 (Winter 2016):133

Marilyn Dumont

Marilyn Dumont

Room. 40.1 Food

Marilyn Dumont

ARC Poetry Magazine. 79 (Winter 2016):133

Marilyn Dumont

Room. 40.1 Food

Marilyn Dumont