Michael Lipsett, PhD, PEng

Professor, Faculty of Engineering - Mechanical Engineering Dept

Pronouns: he, him


Professor, Faculty of Engineering - Mechanical Engineering Dept
(780) 492-9494
10-273 Donadeo Innovation Centre For Engineering
9211 116 St
Edmonton AB
T6G 2H5


Area of Study / Keywords

Website: https://www.mlipsett.com Mechanical Systems Mechatronics Automation And Robotics Engineering Management Information And Knowledge Management Process Management



  • Ph.D. Queen's University (Mechanical Engineering)
  • Graduate Diploma, Kyoto University, Japan (Applied Systems Science),


My research interests focus on the reliability of complex systems. Reliability is the likelihood that some system will remain operating properly for a required length of time. As systems become more complex, it becomes harder to predict whether something will last, and what to do as a system begins to fail.

I am currently working primarily on automating inspection and diagnostics methods for machinery faults and monitoring environmental conditions. This includes hybrid models of faults, as well as developing and deploying robotic systems for remote and hazardous environments, such as robotic aircraft to collect samples and interact with equipment for monitoring and control, rovers for geotechnical and environmental services, and remote sensing. This work contributes to making industrial processes more sustainable.


(Partial List, journals only since 2012)

B. Rivard *, J. Feng, D. Russell, V. Bhushan, M. Lipsett (2020). “Hyperspectral Characteristics of X Oil Sand, Part 1: Prediction of Processability and Froth Quality from Measurements of Ore.” Minerals 2020, 10, 1137; doi:10.3390/min10121138 18 pp.

B. Rivard *, J. Feng, D. Russell, V. Bushan, Michael Lipsett (2020). “Hyperspectral Characteristics of Oil Sand, Part 2: Prediction of Froth Characteristics From Measurements of Froth.” Minerals 10(12) 1137; https://doi.org/10.3390/min10121137 20 pp.

N. Olmedo, M. Barczyk, M.G. Lipsett* (2020). An improved terramechanics model for a robotic soil surface sampler. J Terramechanics JTERRA-D-20-00023, Volume 91, October 2020, pp. 257-271.

N. Olmedo, M. Barczyk, H. Zhang, G.W. Wilson, M.G. Lipsett* (2020). “A UGV-based modular robotic manipulator for soil sampling and terramechanics investigations on mine waste.” J Unmanned Veh Sys, juvs-2020-0003.R2, accepted.

C. Jiang, B.A. Fleck *, M.G. Lipsett (2020). “Rapid Wear Modeling in a Slurry Pump Using Soft 3D Impeller Material.” Energies 202013(12), 3264; doi:10.3390/en13123264 16 pp.

N. Olmedo, B Fisseha, G Wilson, M Barczyk, H Zhang, MG Lipsett* (2020). “An Automated Vane Shear Test Tool for Environmental Monitoring with Unmanned Ground Vehicles.” J Terramechanics JTERRA-D-19-00044R1 (accepted).

M.J Sherstan, R.J Augustine, and M.G Lipsett* (2020). Aerial manipulation for remote robotic machinery diagnostics. Int’l J Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management Vol 23 No 3 (July), pp 31-36.

NA Olmedo, M Barczyk, MG Lipsett* (2019). “Experimental Determination of the Inertial Properties of Small Robotic Systems Using a Torsion Platform.” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing MSSP Sept, pp 71-96. doi.org/10.1016/j.ymssp.2019.05.021

I. Dadon, N. Koren, R. Klein, M.G. Lipsett, J. Bortman* (2019). “Impact of gear tooth surface quality on detection of local faults.” Engineering Failure Analysis, in press, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engfailanal.2019.104291.

Hajizadeh, MG Lipsett* (2018). “Application of interacting multiple-model-based fault detection method on a hydraulic two-tank system.” Int’l J of Condition Monitoring Vol 8, No 2, pp 42-51.

I Entezari, B Rivard*, M.G. Lipsett (2017). “Predicting the abundance of clays and quartz in oil sands using hyperspectral measurements.” Int’l J App Earth Obs’n & Geoinfo Vol 59 July pp 1-8

I Entezari, B Rivard*, M.G. Lipsett, G.W. Wilson (2016). “Prediction of Water Content and Normalized Evaporation from Oil Sands Soft Tailings Surface Using Hyperspectral Observations” Can. Geotech. J. 53: 1742–1750 dx.doi.org/10.1139/cgj-2015-0416.

A Kotchon, DS Nobes, MG Lipsett*. “Damage Detection in Tires Using Image-Based Strain Measurements.” Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention (JFAP-16-03-1217 accepted).

N,A. Olmedo, M.G. Lipsett* (2016). “Design and field experimentation of a robotic system for tailings characterization.” J Unmanned Vehicle Systems. (juvs-2015-0034 accepted).

R. Sabbagh, M. G. Lipsett, C. R. Koch, D. S. Nobes. “Predicting Equivalent Settling Area Factor in Hydrocyclones; A Method for Determining Tangential Velocity Profile,” Separation and Purification Technology Journal, (SEPPUR-D-15-01191, accepted).

R. Sabbagh, M.G. Lipsett, D.S. Nobes* (2105). “Hydrocyclone Performance and Energy Consumption Prediction: A ‎Comparison with Other Centrifugal Separators.” J Separation Science & Technology V50, No6, 2015, pp 788-801 DOI:10.1080/01496395.2014.978463.

M. Speta, B. Rivard*, J. Feng, M. Lipsett, M. Gingras (2015). “Hyperspectral imaging for the determination of bitumen content in Athabasca oil sands core samples.” AAPG Bulletin 01/2015; DOI: 10.1306/03021514121

A. Setayashagar, M. G. Lipsett, C.R. Koch, D.S. Nobes* (2015). “Particle Motion in a Macro-Scale Multi-Wavelength Acoustic Field.” Journal of Fluids Engineering (FE-14-1010), accepted.

M. Hajizadeh, M.G. Lipsett* (2015). “Anomaly detection in mining haul truck suspension struts.” Int’l J Condition Monitoring LSST-2014-7571 Vol 5 No 1 March 11 pp. DOI:10.1784/204764215814981602.

A Gustafson, M Lipsett, H Schunnesson, D Galar, & U Kumar, U. (2014). “Development of a Markov model for production performance optimisation: Application for semi-automatic and manual LHD machines in underground mines.” International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment, 28(5), 342-355. 10.1080/17480930.2013.862026

C. Poveda, MG Lipsett (2014). “An integrated approach for sustainability assessment: the Wa-Pa-Su project sustainability rating system.” Int’l J Sustainable Development & World Ecology 01/2014; 21(1). DOI:10.1080/13504509.2013.876677

A. Fotouh, J. D. Wolodko, M. Lipsett* (2014). “Fatigue of Natural Fiber Thermoplastic Composites.” J Composites Part B: Engineering. DOI:10.1016/j.compositesb.2014.02.023 37 pp.

A. Fotouh, J. D. Wolodko, M. Lipsett* (2014) “Characterization and Modeling of Strain Rate Hardening in Natural-Fiber-Reinforced Viscoplastic Polymer”, J Polymer Composites, DOI: 10.1002/pc.22894 8 pp.

AR Farahani*, M.G. Lipsett (2013). “Framework for Designing Effective Condition Monitoring and Maintenance Systems.” Int’l J Cond Monitor’g & Diagnostic Eng Mgmt Vol 16, No4, pp 41-54.

C.A. Poveda*, M.G. Lipsett (2013) “Design of Performance Improvement Factors (PFIs) for Sustainable Development Indicators (SDIs) Metrics for Oil Sands Projects with Application to Surface Mining Operations Based on Continual Performance Improvement (CPI).” J Sustainable Development Vol. 6, No. 8, August 2013 DOI:10.5539/jsd.v6n8p52 pp 52-70.

M.G. Lipsett*, R. Gallardo-Bobadilla. (2013). “Modeling Risk in Discrete Multi-State Repairable Systems.” Asset Condition, Information Systems and Decision Models: Engineering Asset Management Review 2013 (10.1007/978-1-4471-2924-0_10), Springer, pp. 187-205.

T.P. Michailides, M.G. Lipsett*. “Surveying Employee Attitudes on Corporate Social Responsibility at the Frontline Level of an Energy Transportation Company.” J Corporate Social Responsibility & Environmental Management DOI: 10.1002/csr. 1297, July 2012, 25 pp.

R. Yousefi Moghaddam, A. Kotchon, M. G. Lipsett*. “Estimation of Soil Parameters during Excavation.” J Terramechanics 49 DOI 10.1016/j.jterra.2012.05.002, July 2012, pp. 173-189.


As Ernest and Gertrude Poole Chair in Management for Engineers, I teach in the areas of engineering design, technology investment analysis, operations management, entrepreneurship, and modelling & simulation of technological and business process. I also conduct research projects that link engineering aspects of technology, processes, and people.