Moein Momtazi, MD, MSc, FRCSC

/Mo-een Mohm-tawzi/

Pronouns: he, him, his

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Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Surgery Dept
(780) 540-9250


Area of Study / Keywords

Breast reconstruction Lymphatic reconstruction Quality improvement Patient experience


Dr. Moein Momtazi is currently appointed as an Assistant Professor in the Postgraduate Medical Education in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry.

Dr. Momtazi specializes in complex oncologic reconstruction, reconstructive microsurgery and cosmetic surgery.


1. Lymphovenous Bypass for Immediate Lymphatic Reconstruction in Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Axillary Lymph Node Dissection: Minimizing the Risk of Upper Extremity Lymphedema – Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery April 2024.

MC Médor, IF Churchill, D Pereira, A Roberts, E Cordeiro, L Findlay-Shirras, J Zhang, M Momtazi

2. Implementation, results and face validity of the Consultation and Relational Empathy measure in a Canadian department of surgery – Canadian Journal of Surgery 2022 November 8; 65(6).

O Solaja, E Hopkins, R Gilbert, N Khan, A Neville, D Kubelik, D Maziak N Rowe, M Odell, H Moloo, M Momtazi

3. Eliminating the Burden of Lymphedema in Cancer Patients Requiring Nodal Dissections Using Prophylactic Immediate Lymphatic Reconstruction – A Case Report and Review of the Literature – Plastic Surgery Case Studies Volume 7, January 2021.

A Mussie, C Medor, S Mohand-Said, A Ibrahim, C Nessim, M Momtazi

4. A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Alloderm-RTU with DermACELL in Immediate Subpectoral Implant-Based Breast Reconstruction – Current Oncology February 2021;28(1):184-195.

A Arnaout, J Zhang, S Frank, M Momtazi, E Cordeiro, A Roberts, A Ghumman, D Fergusson, C Stober, G Pon, A Jeong, L Vandermeer, B Hutton M Clemons

5. Economics of lymphovenous bypass – Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery November 2019;144(5):751e-759e.

L Head, M Momtazi

6. Bladder Outlet Obstruction as a Cause for Late Total Flap Failure in Pelvic Reconstruction with a VRAM: A Case Report – Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery Open July 2018; 3(2): e55–e57.

M Stein, M Momtazi

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