Matthew Taylor, PhD, AB

Full Professor, Faculty of Science - Computing Science

Pronouns: he / him


Full Professor, Faculty of Science - Computing Science
Athabasca Hall
9119 116 St NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2E8


Area of Study / Keywords

Reinforcement Learning Machine Learning Multi-agent Systems Robotics Human-AI Interaction


Matt has worked on reinforcement learning and multiagent systems since 2003. After his PhD in 2008, he worked as a postdoc, a professor at a small college, a professor at a university, and then was in industry for a few years. He is currently an associate professor, directs the Intelligent Robot Learning Lab ( at the University of Alberta, and holds a Canada CIFAR AI Chair, Amii. He is also a Fellow-in-Residence in Amii, the Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute. His current fundamental research interests are in reinforcement learning, human-in-the-loop AI, multi-agent systems, and robotics. His applied research interests revolve around moving cutting edge machine learning and AI out of academic labs and into companies who can immediately benefit from such techniques.


CMPUT 412 - Experimental Mobile Robotics

A project-based course dealing with the design and implementation of mobile robots to accomplish specific tasks. Students work in groups and are introduced to concepts in sensor technologies, sensor data processing, motion control based on feedback and real-time programming. Prerequisites: CMPUT 201 and 204, or 275; one of CMPUT 340, 418 or equivalent knowledge; MATH 214.

CMPUT 503 - Topics in Computing Science

CMPUT 605 - Topics in Computing Science

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