Stefano Muneroni

Associate Professor, Faculty of Arts - Drama Dept


Associate Professor, Faculty of Arts - Drama Dept
3-105 Fine Arts Building
8807 - 112 St NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2C9


DRAMA 208 - Theatre History I

The development of world theatre from antiquity to the end of the 18th century. Prerequisite: DRAMA 101 or 102 or 103 or consent of Department. Note: Required for BA Drama Majors and BA (Honors) Drama students. Priority will be given to BA Drama Majors, BA (Honors) Drama students, BFA Drama students, BEd (Secondary) Drama Majors and Minors.

DRAMA 308 - Theatre History II: Modern Theatre

The evolution of Modernism in the dramatic text, performance, and staging practices from the early 19th century to Epic Theatre. Note: Required for BA Drama Majors and BA (Honors) Drama students.

ITAL 299 - Special Topics

Taught in English. This course will not fulfill the Language Other than English requirements of the Faculty of Arts. Course may be taken repeated up to five times if topic varies.

ITAL 499 - Special Topics

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