Mirjana Uzelac, PhD

ATS Assistant Lecturer, Faculty of Arts - Anthropology Dept


ATS Assistant Lecturer, Faculty of Arts - Anthropology Dept


ANTHR 110 - Gender, Age, and Culture

An anthropological review and comparison of cultures in terms of social positions based on differences in sex and age.

ANTHR 150 - Race and Racism

The challenge of racism in modern societies and the response of anthropology, including the history of how the 'race' concept has been used to explain human variation.

ANTHR 207 - Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology

Comparative study of human society and culture, particularly non-Western communities, with special attention to the family, social structure, economics and political institutions, and religion; processes of change.

ANTHR 230 - Anthropology of Science, Technology, and Environment

Science as a cultural practice, cultural effects and globalization of technology, changing views of nature, gender and science, traditional ecological knowledge, and the evolution of technology.

ANTHR 333 - Anthropology of Time and Space

Study of classical debates on the social/cultural inflections of time and contemporary concerns with temporalities of industrial and post-industrial ages. Prerequisite: ANTHR 207 or consent of Department.

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