Marnie Jamieson, PhD, MSc, P. Eng.

Teaching Professor, William and Elizabeth Magee Chair in Chemical Engineering Design , Faculty of Engineering - Chemical and Materials Engineering Dept


Teaching Professor, William and Elizabeth Magee Chair in Chemical Engineering Design , Faculty of Engineering - Chemical and Materials Engineering Dept
Donadeo Innovation Centre For Engineering
9211 116 St
Edmonton AB
T6G 2H5



  • Leveraging sustainable design, life cycle, risk, and project management - from innovation and strategic implementation through responsible operation to planned reclamation. Engineering projects inherently alter our world; thus, balancing the net social benefit equation is critical to a sustainable future.
  • Applying design principles and process control concepts to engineering education with a special interest in blended learning and project courses with industrial partnerships.
  • Developing assessment methods to measure higher level cognitive and affective domain functions associated with engineering education learning objectives in complex open ended design project courses.
  • Applying thermodynamics and phase behavior to novel and standard design projects.


  • CHE 435/465 Blended Learning Project
  • Integrative teaching of engineering, team development, project management, design, sustainability, economics, safety, risk and loss management in complex real and sometimes wicked problems.
  • Facilitation of Engineering Mentorship by maintaining and growing partnerships with industry, research, business, and student communities to connect people, projects and foster innovation and sustainable design.
  • The application of CEAB graduate performance criteria to course and program design.
  • Blended learning support for active and open ended learning.


CME 494 - Special Topics in Chemical and Materials Engineering

Treatment of selected chemical and materials engineering special topics of current interest to staff and students.

CME 694 - Advanced Topics in Chemical and Materials Engineering

An advanced treatment of selected chemical and materials engineering topics of current interest to staff and students.

ENG M 680 - Advanced Topics in Engineering Management II

HGEO 581 - Advanced Issues in Human Geography

Topics vary; may be taken more than once for credit provided no topic is repeated. Classes concurrent with HGP 481.

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