Myron Zwozdesky

ATS Assistant Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept


ATS Assistant Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Pharmacology Dept


Area of Study / Keywords


Myron Zwozdesky is currently appointed as ATS Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Pharmacology in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry.


PMCOL 303 - Introduction to Toxicology

The adverse effects of xenobiotics on biological systems are discussed. Principles of toxicology are introduced. Responses of target organs to selected toxicants are described, with emphasis on molecular mechanisms. Special topics include chemical carcinogenesis, nanotoxicology, and endocrine disruptors. Prerequisites: PMCOL 200, BIOCH 200, PHYSL 210, or 212 and 214, or consent of Department.

PMCOL 425 - Problem Solving in Pharmacology and Therapeutics

Students will be presented with problem cases involving patients with conditions, possibly needing drug therapy. They will identify the issues needing resolution, work collectively to find information to resolve them, and present these and their application to each patient to the group. The group will work to resolve outstanding issues after the presentations. Intended for senior undergraduate students. Prerequisites: PMCOL 343 and 344 and consent of Instructor.

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