Nicholas Beier

Guest - Postdoctoral Fellow, Faculty of Engineering - Electrical & Computer Engineering Dept


Guest - Postdoctoral Fellow, Faculty of Engineering - Electrical & Computer Engineering Dept


ECE 475 - Optoelectronic and Photovoltaic Devices

Basic optical properties of crystalline and amorphous semiconductor materials: energy band diagrams, optical constants. Recombination and light emission in semiconductors. Light emitting diodes: spectral characteristics, materials, and applications. Stimulated emission and laser oscillation conditions in semiconductors. Laser diodes: modal and spectral properties, steady state rate equations, materials and structures. Light absorption, optical to electrical energy conversion. Photovoltaic cells: fill factors and efficiency, temperature effects, alternative materials and structures. Prerequisite: ECE 302 or E E 340. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 475 or E E 475.

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