Nicolas Guay, Ph.D.
Professor, Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
- Address
665 Central Academic Building
11324 - 89 Ave NWEdmonton ABT6G 2G1
Associate Chair, Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
Algebra, Representation Theory
MA PH 499 - Undergraduate Research Project
Undergraduate physics research project under the direction of a faculty member. Projects must involve a strong physics connection and involve some original research component. Prerequisites: A 300-level PHYS course and consent of the department. This course may be repeated but a student may obtain at most 6 units in PHYS 499 and MA PH 499.
MATH 298 - Problem Solving Seminar
Problem solving techniques (pigeonhole principle, invariants, extremal principle, etc.) and survey of problems from various branches of mathematics: calculus, number theory, algebra, combinatorics, probability, geometry, etc. This credit/no-credit course is intended for students interested in mathematics contests and participation in the Putnam Mathematical Competition will be required. Note: This course may be taken for credit up to four times. Prerequisite: consent of the instructor.