Narmin Kassam

Professor, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Medicine Dept
Chair, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Medicine Dept


Professor, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Medicine Dept

Chair, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Medicine Dept


Area of Study / Keywords


Personal Statement:

General Internal Medicine has been formally recognized by the RCPSC as a distinct sub-specialty, in response to the need of complex patients in increasingly complex medical settings. My interest is in contributing to that ongoing evolution to ensure that the quality, standards, training and practice of GIM delivers the best outcomes for physicians and patients.

Dr. Narmin Kassam is an active leader of clinical innovation and quality improvement in General Internal Medicine (GIM). Her goal as GIM division director is to ensure performance and outcomes of the division surpass the highest standards to deliver outstanding care and and to attract trainees and faculty to the field. She is deeply engaged in collaborations directed at quality improvement initiatives in clinical practice. Dr. Kassam is the recipient of many awards for her clinical, research and education scholarship. She publishes on clinical subjects as well as on the issues and opportunities of GIM as a . She serves on international and national committees focused on continuous improvement of the GIM subspecialty, accreditation of medical professionals and review of medical and health-related standards. Dr. Kassam is a consultant in the GIM ward and the GIM out-patient clinic at the University of Alberta Hospital.

Leadership and Collaborations: 

Dr. Kassam leads the Edmonton Zone Medicine Quality Council - Strategic Clinical Improvement Committee, a partnership of the Department of Medicine, Edmonton area hospitals and Alberta Health Services, that encourage physician-led quality improvement work in clinical settings to improve patient outcomes and reduce health system costs. She is governor of the Alberta chapter of the American College of Physicians (ACP). She also serves on hospital and community committees related to medical practice, workforce and education.  She is the current co-chair of the Medicine Area Council under the AHS sponsored ConnectCare initiative, responsible for the design and implementation of the provincial electronic health record.

Clinical Interests

Dr. Kassam has led innovation initiatives, including a health system-funded project that resulted in reduced in-patient lengths of stay and Emergency Department wait times; the development of terms of reference and admission criteria for the four-bed GIM Intermediate Care Unit to facilitate care of acutely ill patients requiring close monitoring; and the implementation of a new vital signs tool on GIM wards. She is the medical director of the innovative new Enhancing Care in the Community sponsored Virtual Hospital project which is focusing on delivering patient- and family-centred, , integrated care across the continuum.


Dr. Kassam has had numerous peer-reviewed papers published in national and international journals. She is the author of dozens of abstracts presented at regional, national and international events and conferences.


Dr. Kassam is an awarded educator and former Residency Program director with more than 42 GIM resident trainees supervised between 2001-2012. She is a clinical instructor and preceptor in the GIM and core internal medicine resident program. She has made many local, regional and national presentations to colleagues on specific disease topics as well as on GIM as a subspecialty as well as public education seminars on topics such as prostate cancer and high blood pressure. She is the current Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada GIM Specialty Committee Chair.

Featured Publications

Mathura P., Boettger C., Hagtvedt R., Sweeney C., Williams S., Suranyi Y., Kassam N., Gill M.

Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2022 September; 24 10.1007/s43678-022-00333-w

Mathura P., Li M., Vegt J., Penrod Z., Suranyi Y., Osborne C., Kassam N.

BMJ Open. 2022 August; 11 (3) 10.1136/bmjoq-2022-001878

Mathura P., Barber P., Han T., Hillier T., Kassam N.

The Clinical Teacher. 2022 March; 19 (3):240-246 10.1111/tct.13473

Pamela Mathura, Kendra Raffael, Carley Campbell, Mae Deans, Karen Binns, Yvonne Suranyi, Narmin Kassam

Canadian Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2021 October; 16 (3):81-87 10.22374/cjgim.v16i3.496

Mathura P., Li M., Sun X., Duhn L., Kassam N., Yacyshyn E.

CLINICAL RHEUMATOLOGY. 2021 September; 41 (1):275-279 10.1007/s10067-021-05873-7

Russell L., Mathura P., Lee A., Dhaliwal R., Kassam N., Kohansal A.

Annals of Gastroenterological Surgery. 2021 August; 34 (4):547-551 10.20524/aog.2021.0623

Mathura P., Boettger C., Hagtvedt R., Suranyi Y., Kassam N.

BMJ Open. 2021 July; 10 (3) 10.1136/bmjoq-2020-001330

PamelaMathura, Dillon H.Lee, Ann Thompson, NatalieMcMurtry, NarminKassam

Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning. 2021 April; 13 (4):397-402

Collins C., Mathura P., Ip S., Kassam N., Tapardel A.

BMJ Open Quality. 2021 February; 10 (1) 10.1136/bmjoq-2020-001067

Raghuveer A., Youngson E., Mathura P., Kassam N., McAlister F.A.

JOURNAL OF GENERAL INTERNAL MEDICINE. 2021 February; 10.1007/s11606-020-06427-4

Development of a multi-faceted quality improvement study to improve clinical assessments and communication with patients with limited English proficiency

2020 Annual Rocky Mountain Meeting. 2020 November;

Mathura P., Li M., McMurtry N., Kassam N.

BMJ Open Quality. 2020 October; 9 (4) 10.1136/bmjoq-2020-001104