Norma Nocente

Associate Professor, Faculty of Education - Secondary Education Dept


Associate Professor, Faculty of Education - Secondary Education Dept
(780) 492-3676
348 Education Centre - South
11210 - 87 Ave NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2G5



Dr. Nocente is currently Associate Professor in Science and Technology Education in the Department of Secondary Education. She has been in this position since 1997.


Ed.D. Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (Toronto, Ontario), 1996. (Toronto, Ontario), 1996.
M.Ed. University of Alberta (Edmonton, Alberta), 1988. (Edmonton, Alberta), 1988.
B.Ed. University of Alberta (Edmonton, Alberta), 1980. (Edmonton, Alberta), 1980.

Related Professional Experience:

Consultant for Science Textbook, ITP Nelson and Pearson, ITP Nelson and Pearson
Biology Program Academic Coordinator, Teachers Teaching with Technology-Texas Instruments, Teachers Teaching with Technology-Texas Instruments
Team Leader and Computer Courseware Developer, TRUMP Project (development of 300 hours of computer based training for the Canadian Navy), Litton Systems Canada Limited
Junior High and Senior High School Science Teacher


Primary Research Interests:

Technology integration in the school curriculum Technology leadership Science education and technology integration


Undergraduate Courses Taught
Curriculum and Teaching for Secondary School Biological Sciences
Curriculum and Teaching for Secondary School General Sciences
Curriculum and Teaching for Secondary School Science Minors
Teaching in Secondary Schools
Computer Networking for Schools
Introduction to Microcomputers in Education
Graduate Courses Taught
Technology Mentorship and Leadership
Computer Technology Integrated into the Curriculum
Integrating Technology into the Classroom: A Research Project
Introduction to Computer Assisted Instruction
Theory of Computer-Based Instruction
Internship in Instructional Technology
Science, Technology, Society and Environment: Implications for Teaching


EDSE 455 - Curriculum and Teaching for Secondary School Science Majors II

Introductory Professional Term, including EDSE 355 and 24 units in the Major subject area. Successful completion is required prior to being granted permission to continue in EDFX 450. Students may only receive credit for one of EDSE 452, EDSE 455, EDSE 456, or EDSE 460.

Browse more courses taught by Norma Nocente

Scholarly Activities

Research - Publications

Selected Research Studies and Publications

Refereed Journals and Proceedings

Nocente, N, & Belostotski, G (2009). Elementary and Junior High School Use of Clickers. In T Bastiaens (Ed.), Proceedings: Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2009 (pp. 999-1008). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

O'Grady-Morris, K., & Nocente, N. (2009). Procedural vs conceptual knowledge: Exploring student understanding of voltaic cells. Alberta Science Education Journal,

Zhou, G.G., Nocente, N., & Brouwer, W. (2008). Understanding students' cognition through analysis of their preconceptions in physics. Alberta Journal of Educational Research. 54(1). 14-30.

Nocente, N. (2006). Necessary Conditions for Effective Professional Development. In M. Frye (Ed.), Proceedings: Teachers Teaching with Technology. Denver, CO: T-Cubed International.

Nocente, N. (2005). Modifying textbook labs to promote scientific reasoning. In M Frye (Ed.), Proceedings: Proceedings of Teachers Teaching with Technology. Washington DC: T-Cubed International.

Other Publications

Nocente, N. (2010) Engage: School Administrators’ Needs.
A preliminary needs assessment developed for Elk Island School District.

Nocente, N., Betostotski, G. & Brooks, C. (June, 2009). Click into Action: Student Response Systems in Elementary Classrooms. Edmonton, Alberta, AB: Alberta Education.

Nocente, N. & McClay, J. (August, 2008) Final Report: Learning and Technology Integration Project. Edmonton, AB: Alberta Education.

Rowell, P, Nocente, N, Geelan, D, Oberg, D, & McClay, J. (2002). Scientist 2010. Edmonton, AB: Alberta Learning.

Research Funding

 August 2009 – Elk Island School District

ENGAGE: Transforming Leadership

January 2008 - Parkland School Division

Click into Action: Student Response System Project

July 2007 - Alberta Education

Preservice Teacher Education and Technology Integration


January 2005- Alberta Education

Learning and Technology Integration: Supporting Collaboration and Modelling Effective Practice N. Nocente, J. McClay

September 2001– Alberta Learning

Scientist 2010 Project.

P. Rowell, N. Nocente, D. Geelan, D. Oberg and J. McClay

Featured Publications

Nocente, N, & Belostotski, G

2009 January;

O'Grady-Morris, K., & Nocente, N.

Alberta Science Education Journal. 2009 January;

Zhou, G.G., Nocente, N., & Brouwer, W.

Alberta Journal of Educational Research. 2008 January; 54 (1):14-30

Nocente, N.

2006 January;

Nocente, N.

2005 January;