Michael Omoge, PhD
Asst. Prof., Augustana - Fine Arts & Humanities
- omoge@ualberta.ca
AUECO 480 - Ethics in Economics and Business
Investigation of the relation between ethical reflection and the activities of businesses and economics. Attention is paid to the role of self-interest and rationality in economic and business discourse, the relation between the price system and human values, and the morality of the market as a means of social organization. Several case studies are used. Prerequisite: At least 6 units at a senior-level in Economics or Management.
AUPHI 102 - Introduction to Western Philosophy II: Modern Philosophy
Continuation of an introduction to the main problems and theories that have dominated philosophical thought, through study and critical discussions of selected classics of modern philosophy.
AUPHI 260 - Ethics
Examination of questions of right and wrong, good and evil, and reasons for action, through study of ethical theories of philosophers such as Plato, Aristotle, Kant, and Mill.