Dmitri Pogosian, PhD

Professor, Faculty of Science - Physics


Professor, Faculty of Science - Physics
(780) 492-2150
2-105 Centennial Ctr For Interdisciplinary SCS II
11335 Saskatchewan Drive NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2H5



PhD; Theoretical Physics Insitute, Estonian Academy of Sciences


PHYS 311 - Statistical Physics

Quantum states, probability distributions, temperature and entropy; canonical ensemble and the partition function; ideal gases, paramagnets; blackbody radiation. Debye model for phonons; quantum statistics; Fermi-Dirac distribution and electrons in metals; Bose-Einstein distribution. Prerequisites: PHYS 310 (or CH E 243 for Engineering Physics Program students), PHYS 271 and MATH 209 or 215 or 315 or 317 or MA PH 351 equivalent.

PHYS 372 - Quantum Mechanics A

Origins of quantum mechanics; wave functions; Schrodinger equation and its application to one dimensional systems, postulates and physical interpretation of quantum mechanics; orbital angular momentum, central potentials and three-dimensional systems. Prerequisites: PHYS 244, PHYS 271, MATH 334 or 201 or MA PH 251.

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