Roger Moore

Professor, Faculty of Science - Physics
Chair, Faculty of Science - Physics


Professor, Faculty of Science - Physics
(780) 492-4170
2-083 Centennial Ctr For Interdisciplinary SCS II
11335 Saskatchewan Drive NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2H5

Chair, Faculty of Science - Physics


Area of Study / Keywords

physics particle physics neutrinos Beyond the Standard Model


BA (1992), Cambridge, UK

MA (1996), Cambridge, UK

PhD (1996), Cambridge, UK

PPARC Postdoctoral Fellowship 1996-1997

RA Michigan State University 1997-2003

Assistant Professor, UofA, 2003-2007

Associate Professor, UofA, 2007-2013

Professor, UofA, 2013-

Associate Chair (undergrad) 2009-


I am a member of the IceCube Neutrino Experiment at the South Pole working on the search for new physics using extremely high energy, astrophysical neutrinos to achieve energies similar to and even beyond those reached in the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. In addition, I am co-chair of the IceCube trigger-filter board which oversees the configuration of the IceCube online and offline trigger and filter algorithms. I am also working on the development of a new high energy neutrino experiment, P-ONE, in the pacific ocean off the west coast of Vancouver Island. This is a new international effort in conjunction with the Technical University of Munich (TUM) in Germany and Michigan State University in the US.

Formerly I have worked on the ATLAS Experiment at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland. ATLAS studies the highest energy collisions ever created in a lab, produced at the Large Hadron Collider, where protons collide at a centre-of-mass energy of 14 TeV. These collisions reproduce the environment less than 10^-13 s after the Big Bang and were energetic enough to create Higgs bosons and my work helped make the discovery of the Higgs boson possible in 2012. My research topics while on ATLAS included Supersymmetry, Dark Matter, lepton jets and top quark physics. In addition I was responsible for the ATLAS Trigger Validation which ensures that our trigger selects the events it should.


PHYS 485 - Introductory Particle Physics

Particles and forces; relativistic kinematics; symmetries and conservation laws; bound states, heavy flavours, and the quark model; Dirac equation and the electrodynamics of leptons; electrodynamics of quarks and the parton model; quantum chromodynamics and the strong interactions; weak interactions and electroweak unification. Prerequisites: PHYS 372; MATH 225 or 227; MA PH 251 or MATH 337 or equivalent. Recommended: PHYS 458 and PHYS 472.

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