Saeidreza Radpour, PhD in Engineering Management, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Postdoctoral Fellow, Faculty of Engineering - Mechanical Engineering Dept

Pronouns: he, him


Postdoctoral Fellow, Faculty of Engineering - Mechanical Engineering Dept


Area of Study / Keywords

Energy systems low carbon technologies and climate change adaptation plans


Saeidreza holds a B.Sc. degree in chemical engineering, from the Isfahan University of Technology, and an M.Sc. degree in Chemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, from the Shairf University of Technology, and received a Ph.D degree in Engineering Management from the Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Alberta. He is currently is a postdoctoral fellow at the Energy and Environmental Systems Engineering, at the Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Alberta. Saeidreza’s research focuses on the energy efficiency improvement and greenhouse gas mitigation by market penetration of low carbon technologies in energy sectors. His doctoral studies were on market penetration modeling of low carbon technologies in residential, industry, and power supply side sectors.


Some of the publications are listed here:

Journal Publications

  1. Radpour S, Gemechu E, Ahiduzzaman M, Kumar A. Developing a framework to assess the long-term adoption of renewable energy technologies in the electric power sector: the effects of carbon price and economic incentives. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 152: 111663.
  2. Radpour S, Mondal MAH, Paramashivan D, Kumar A. The development of a novel framework based on a review of market penetration models for energy technologies. Energy Strategy Reviews, 2021, 38:100704.
  3. Radpour S, Gemechu E, Kumar A, Ahiduzzaman M. Development of a framework for the assessment of the market penetration of novel in situ bitumen extraction technologies. Energy, 220: 119666.
  4. Radpour S, Mondal MAH, Kumar A. Market penetration modeling of high energy efficiency appliances in the residential sector, Energy, 2017, 134: 951-961.
  5. Verma A, Nimana BS, Olateju B, Rahman MM, Radpour S, Canter CE, Subramanyam V, Paramashivan D, Vaezi M, Kumar A. A techno-economic assessment of bitumen and synthetic crude oil transport (SCO) in the Canadian oil sands industry: oil via rail or pipeline? Energy, 2017, 124, 665–683.

Conferences and Other Presentations

  1. Owttrim C*, Radpour S*, Davis M, Kumar A. Development of energy efficiency cost curves: pulp & paper and iron & steel. NSERC/Cenovus/Alberta Innovates Industrial Research Chair in Energy and Environmental Systems Engineering Workshop, May 11, 2020, Edmonton, AB, Canada (invited).
  2. Owttrim C*, Radpour S*, Davis M, Kumar A. Energy efficiency cost curves for emission-intensive trade-exposed industries. Presentation to Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), March 31, 2020.
  3. Radpour S, Talaei A*, Davis M, Ahiduzzaman M, Kumar A. The development of energy efficiency cost curves for the energy-intensive trade exposed industries sectors – an analysis of Canada’s iron and steel sector. NSERC/Cenovus/Alberta Innovates Industrial Research Chair in Energy and Environmental Systems Engineering Workshop, July 30, 2018, Ottawa, ON (invited).
  4. Radpour S*, Ahiduzzaman M, Kumar A. Market penetration modeling of bitumen extraction technologies into Alberta's oil sands industry. Spark 2017 Conference, Nov. 6-8, 2017, Edmonton, AB.
  5. Radpour S*, Mondal MAM, Kumar A. Development of market penetration for high energy efficiency technologies in Alberta’s residential sector. 18th ICSREE, May 16-17, 2016, Montreal, QC.
  6. Radpour S*, Ahiduzzaman M, Kumar A. Development of a framework for assessment of market penetration of oil sands energy technologies in the mining sector. 18th ICSREE, May 16-17, 2016, Montreal, QC.
  7. Radpour S, Subramanyam V, Mondal MAH, Kumar A. The identification of energy efficient technologies to mitigate GHG emissions in Alberta’s mining sector. 4th CCTC, May 25-27, 2015, Montreal, QC.
  8. Radpour S, Subramanyam V, Mondal MAH, Kumar A. Investigation of GHG mitigation opportunities in Alberta’s residential sector. 4th CCTC, May 25-27, 2015, Montreal, QC.
  9. Subramanyam V, Radpour S, Bonyad M, Kumar A*. GHG emission modeling using the LEAP model. Alberta Innovates – Bio Solutions, Oct. 5, 2012, Edmonton, AB (invited).

Technical Reports

  1. Radpour S, Talaei A, Ahiduzzaman M, Kumar A. Development of cost curves for iron and steel sector of Canada. Final report submitted to Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), 200 Sacre-Coeur, 10th Floor, Gatineau, QC, Canada K1A 0H3, March 2017.
  2. Subramanyam V, Paramshivan D, Radpour S, Shah T, Kumar A. Identification of best energy efficiency opportunities in Alberta’s energy sector – Phase II – GHG mitigation cost curves for residential, commercial and transportation sector of Alberta. Final Report submitted to Alberta Innovates – Energy and Environment Solutions (AI-EES), 1800 Phipps Mckinnon Building, 10020 101A Avenue, T5J Edmonton, Alberta, Nov. 2013.
  3. Verma A, Nimana BS, Olateju B, Rahman M, Radpour S, Canter CE, Subramanyam S, Paramshivan D, Vaezi M, Kumar A. Transportation of bitumen/SCO by rail and pipeline. Submitted to the Technical Advisory Committee of the NSERC/Cenovus/Alberta Innovates Associate Industrial Chair Program in Energy and Environmental Systems Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. Final report, Oct. 2013.
  4. Shah T, Paramshivan D, Subramanyam V, Radpour S, Kumar A. Identification of best energy efficiency opportunities in Alberta’s energy sector – Phase II – Progress Report 4: Development of energy demand tree for mining sector of Alberta. Summary Report submitted to Alberta Innovates – Energy and Environment Solutions (EES), 1800 Phipps Mckinnon Building, 10020 101A Avenue, T5J Edmonton, Alberta, March 2013.
  5. Subramanyam V, Paramshivan D, Radpour S, Kumar A. Identification of best energy efficiency opportunities in Alberta’s energy sector – Phase II – Progress Report 3: GHG mitigation cost curves for transport sector of Alberta. Summary Report submitted to Alberta Innovates – Energy and Environment Solutions (AI-EES), 1800 Phipps Mckinnon Building, 10020 101A Avenue, T5J Edmonton, Alberta, Feb. 2013.


Teaching Assistant in a variety of courses at the Mechanical Engineering Department from 2012 to 2020 such as:

  • Numerical methods of mechanical engineers and labs
  • Engineering, business, and society
  • Engineering mechanics and labs