Saswati Das

FSO, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Physiology Dept


FSO, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Physiology Dept
(780) 492-3427
7-58A Medical Sciences Building
8613 - 114 St NW
Edmonton AB
T6G 2H7


Area of Study / Keywords



Postdoctoral Fellow : Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago, Illinois, USA

Ph.D.: Department of Physiology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta

B.Sc. (Honours in Physiology): Department of Physiology, Presidency College, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, India

Recognition for Teaching: Dr. Saswati Das was selected to the April
2017 "Spotlight Series" by the UAWISE team for exemplary teaching.
Please read the interview in the attached link.
Spotlight May 2017


Course coordinator for Physiology 210 (In class sections PHYSL 210 C1, C2,and C3) and Physl 212 and 214 (Physiology Honours program)

The topics that I teach include: Blood and Immunity, Renal Physiology, Endocrinology and Reproductive physiology.

I have contributed to Blood and Immunity, Renal Physiology and Reproductive physiology lectures for the online PHYSL 210 course.

Teaching Experience:

Physl 212 and 214 (2020 - current) - Introduction to Human Physiology courses for Physiology Honours students

Physl 210 (2011-current)- Introductory Human Physiology

MMI 436/MED 536 (2014-2019) - Inflammation

Pharm 499 (2007-2013) - Women and Men's Health

Pharm 377 (2007-2008) - Immunotherapeutics of Transplantation

Pharm 306 (2007-2009) - Introductory Biomedical Sciences

Pharm 493 (2006)- Pharmaceutical Biotechnology and Immunology

Pharm 321 (2005-2007) - Pharmaceutical Biotechnology and Immunology

Bio 107 Lab (1996) - Introductory course in Cell and Molecular Biology

Zoo 340 (1996) - Environmental Physiology


PHYSL 210A - Human Physiology

Introductory course in human physiology. Students will study the function and regulation of the human body and the complexities and interactions of cells, tissues, major organs and systems. This course is offered as a classroom-based course or in an online format. Students may not transfer from one mode of instruction to the other. Prerequisites: BIOL 107; plus 6 credits in University level Chemistry. Credit may be obtained in only one of PHYSL 210 or 212 and 214. This course may not be taken for credit if credit has been obtained in ZOOL 241 and/or 242.

PHYSL 210B - Human Physiology

Introductory course in human physiology. Students will study the function and regulation of the human body and the complexities and interactions of cells, tissues, major organs and systems. This course is offered as a classroom-based course or in an online format. Students may not transfer from one mode of instruction to the other. Prerequisites: BIOL 107; plus 6 credits in University level Chemistry. Credit may be obtained in only one of PHYSL 210 or 212 and 214. This course may not be taken for credit if credit has been obtained in ZOOL 241 and/or 242.

PHYSL 212 - Human Physiology I

An introduction to human physiology. Part 1, covering: membrane transport mechanisms; intracellular and electrical signaling; the physiology of excitable tissues; the physiology of blood; and the cardiovascular system. Required for students in the Physiology Honors program. Recommended for students in other Honors/Specialization programs. Prerequisites: BIOL 107; CHEM 101 and 102. Pre- or corequisites: CHEM 164 or 261, and 263. Credit may be obtained in only one of PHYSL 212 and 214, or 210. This course may not be taken for credit if credit has been obtained in ZOOL 241 and/or 242. Students in some Honors/Specialization programs may require PHYSL 212 and 214, or 210. See your departmental advisor

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